Source code for piscat.BackgroundCorrection.noise_floor

import numpy as np
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

from piscat.BackgroundCorrection import DRA
from piscat.InputOutput.cpu_configurations import CPUConfigurations
from piscat.Visualization.print_colors import PrintColors

[docs]class NoiseFloor(CPUConfigurations, PrintColors): def __init__( self, video, list_range, FPN_flag=False, mode_FPN="mFPN", select_correction_axis=1, n_jobs=None, inter_flag_parallel_active=False, max_iterations=10, FFT_widith=1, mode="mode_temporal", ): """This class measures the noise floor for various batch sizes. Parameters ---------- video: NDArray The video is 3D-numpy (number of frames, width, height). list_range: list list os all batch size that DRA should be calculated for them. FPN_flag: bool This flag activates the fixed pattern noise correction function in case define as true. mode_FPN: {‘cpFPN’, ‘mFPN’, ‘wFPN’, 'fFPN'}, optional Flag that defines method of FPNc. * `mFPN`: Median fixed pattern noise correction * `cpFPN`: Median fixed pattern noise correction * `wFPN`: Wavelet FPNc * `fFPN`: FFT2D_Wavelet FPNc select_correction_axis: int (0/1), 'Both' This parameter is used only when FPN_flag is True, otherwise it will be ignored. * `0`: FPN will be applied row-wise. * `1`: FPN will be applied column-wise. * `'Both'`: FPN will be applied on two axis. max_iterations: int This parameter is used when fFPT is selected that defines the total number of filtering iterations. FFT_widith: int This parameter is used when fFPT is selected that defines the frequency mask's width. """ CPUConfigurations.__init__(self) PrintColors.__init__(self) = video self.max_iterations = max_iterations self.FFT_widith = FFT_widith self.FPN_flag = FPN_flag self.select_correction_axis = select_correction_axis self.inter_flag_parallel_active = inter_flag_parallel_active self.mode_FPN = mode_FPN self.thr_shot_noise = None self.list_range = list_range if self.parallel_active and self.inter_flag_parallel_active: if n_jobs is not None: self.n_jobs = n_jobs print("\nThe number of usage CPU cores are {}!".format(n_jobs)) self.mean = Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_jobs, backend=self.backend, verbose=0)( delayed(self.best_radius_kernel)(i_, flag_parallel=True, mode=mode) for i_ in range(len(self.list_range)) ) else: print(f"{self.WARNING}\nThe noise floor is running without parallel loop!{self.ENDC}") self.mean = [] for i_ in range(len(self.list_range)): self.mean.append(self.best_radius_kernel(i_, flag_parallel=True, mode=mode)) def best_radius_kernel(self, i_, flag_parallel, mode): DRA_ = DRA.DifferentialRollingAverage(, batchSize=self.list_range[i_], mode_FPN=self.mode_FPN ) video_DRA, _ = DRA_.differential_rolling( FPN_flag=self.FPN_flag, select_correction_axis=self.select_correction_axis, FFT_flag=False, inter_flag_parallel_active=flag_parallel, max_iterations=self.max_iterations, FFT_widith=self.FFT_widith, ) if mode == "mode_temporal": noise_floor = np.mean(np.std(video_DRA, axis=0)) # noise_floor = np.std(video_DRA, axis=0) elif mode == "mode_spatial": list_frame_std = [] for f_ in range(video_DRA.shape[0]): frame_ = video_DRA[f_, ...] std_frame = np.std(np.ravel(frame_)) list_frame_std.append(std_frame) noise_floor = np.mean(list_frame_std) return noise_floor
[docs] def plot_result(self, flag_log=True): """ The result of the noise floor is plotted when this function is called. Parameters ---------- flag_log: bool The log-log plot style is enabled by this parameter. """ list_batch = [1] + self.list_range[1:] shot_noise_ = np.divide(self.mean[0], np.sqrt(list_batch)) if flag_log is False: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(self.list_range, self.mean, "ro", label="Experimental result") ax.plot(self.list_range, shot_noise_, "b-", label="shot noise") ax.set_xlabel("Batch size") ax.set_ylabel("Noise floor") ax.legend() if flag_log is True: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.loglog(self.list_range, self.mean, "ro", label="Experimental result") ax.loglog(self.list_range, shot_noise_, "b-", label="shot noise") ax.set_xlabel("Batch size") ax.set_ylabel("Noise floor") ax.legend()