Source code for piscat.InputOutput.read_status_line

from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np

[docs]class StatusLine: def __init__(self, video): """A status line from an image frame is read. The last line of the Photonfocus camra picture is the status line. All data is returned in the form of a struct, as well as the cut-frame without the status line. Parameters ---------- video: NDArray Numpy array with the following form should be used for video (number of frame, width, height). """ = video self.out_video = None self.status_line_row_flag = False self.status_line_column_flag = False self.camera_info = {}
[docs] def find_status_line(self): """ Returns ------- self.out_video: NDArray Video without status line. self.camera_info: dic The dictionary that illustrates the obtain information in the status line. """ if np.all([0, -1, :4] == [0xFF, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x55]): self.status_line_column_flag = True self.read_status_line([0]) print("---Status line detected in column---") self.camera_info["status_line_position"] = "column" return self.out_video, self.camera_info elif np.all([0, :4, -1] == [0xFF, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x55]): self.status_line_row_flag = True self.read_status_line([0]) print("---Status line detected in row---") self.camera_info["status_line_position"] = "row" return self.out_video, self.camera_info else: print("---Status line does not detect---") self.camera_info["status_line_position"] = "" return, self.camera_info
def dec2hex(self, n): return "%X" % int(n) def hex2dec(self, s): return int(s, 16) def decimalToBinary(self, num, len_): d2b_ = np.zeros(len_) d2b = bin(int(num)).replace("0b", "") tmp_ = [int(d_) for d_ in d2b] diff_len = abs(len_ - len(tmp_)) d2b_[diff_len:] = tmp_ return d2b_
[docs] def read_status_line(self, frame): """ Parameters ---------- frame: NDArray First frame in video. """ # constants for our camera clock_cycle = 80e6 # Camera Clock Cycle in Hz nr_taps = 2 # Nr of Taps if self.status_line_column_flag: cutframe = frame[:, 0:-1] self.out_video =[:, 1:-1, :] width = frame.shape[0] converter = [1, 256, 256 * 256, 256 * 256 * 256] StatusLine = frame[-1, :] elif self.status_line_row_flag: cutframe = frame[0:-1, :] self.out_video =[:, :, 1:-1] width = frame.shape[1] converter_ = [1, 256, 256 * 256, 256 * 256 * 256] converter = np.asarray(converter_).astype(np.int64) StatusLine = frame[:, -1].astype(np.int64) firstbits = sum(np.multiply(StatusLine[0:4], converter)) NrAcc = firstbits / self.hex2dec("55AA00FF") if (NrAcc % 1) != 0: print("\n... It looks like there is no Status line!?") self.NrAcc = NrAcc self.Preamble = self.dec2hex(firstbits / NrAcc) # Preamble (0x55AA00FF) if width >= 8: ImgCnt = sum(np.multiply(StatusLine[4:8], converter)) / NrAcc # (Mean) Image Counter self.camera_info["ImgCnt"] = ImgCnt if width >= 12: RealTimeCnt = ( sum(np.multiply(StatusLine[8:12], converter)) / NrAcc ) # (Mean) Real Time Counter in Microseconds self.camera_info["RealTimeCnt"] = RealTimeCnt if width >= 16: MissedTrgCnt = ( sum(np.multiply(StatusLine[12:16], converter)) / NrAcc ) # (Mean) Missed Trigger Counter self.camera_info["MissedTrgCnt"] = MissedTrgCnt if width >= 20: self.ImgAvgVal = ( sum(np.multiply(StatusLine[16:20], converter)) / NrAcc ) # (Mean) Image Average Value self.camera_info["RealTimeCnt"] = RealTimeCnt if width >= 24: IntTimeClk = ( sum(np.multiply(StatusLine[20:24], converter)) / NrAcc ) # Integration Time in units of clock cycles (80MHz) IntTime = IntTimeClk / clock_cycle * nr_taps * 1000 # Integration Time in ms self.camera_info["IntTimeClk"] = IntTimeClk self.camera_info["IntTime"] = IntTime if width >= 28: BrstTrgNr = ( sum(np.multiply(StatusLine[24:28], converter)) / NrAcc ) # (Mean) Burst Trigger Number self.camera_info["BrstTrgNr"] = BrstTrgNr if width >= 32: MissedBrstTrgCnt = ( sum(np.multiply(StatusLine[28:32], converter)) / NrAcc ) # (Mean) Missed Burst Trigger Counter self.camera_info["MissedBrstTrgCnt"] = MissedBrstTrgCnt if width >= 36: ROIx_start = ( sum(np.multiply(StatusLine[32:36], converter)) / NrAcc ) # Horizontal start position of ROI (Window.X) self.camera_info["ROIx_start"] = ROIx_start if width >= 40: ROIx_end = ( sum(np.multiply(StatusLine[36:40], converter)) / NrAcc ) # Horizontal end position of ROI (= Window.X + Window.W - 1) NrCols = ROIx_end - ROIx_start + 1 self.camera_info["ROIx_end"] = ROIx_end self.camera_info["NrCols"] = NrCols if width >= 44: ROIy_start = ( sum(np.multiply(StatusLine[40:44], converter)) / NrAcc ) # Vertical start position of ROI (Window.Y). In MROI-mode this # parameter is the start position of the first ROI self.camera_info["ROIy_start"] = ROIy_start if width >= 48: NrRows = sum(np.multiply(StatusLine[44:48], converter)) / NrAcc + 1 # Number of rows ROIy_end = ROIy_start + NrRows - 1 self.camera_info["NrRows"] = NrRows self.camera_info["ROIy_end"] = ROIy_end if width >= 52: TrgSrc = ( sum(np.multiply(StatusLine[48:52], converter)) / NrAcc ) # Trigger Source (0=Free Running, 1=Interface Trigger, 2=I/O Trigger) self.camera_info["TrgSrc"] = TrgSrc if width >= 56: DigGain = 2 ** ( sum(np.multiply(StatusLine[52:56], converter)) / NrAcc ) # Digital Gain (1x, 2x, 4x, 8x) self.camera_info["DigGain"] = DigGain if width >= 60: DigOffset = sum(np.multiply(StatusLine[56:60], converter)) / NrAcc # Digital Offset self.camera_info["DigOffset"] = DigOffset if width >= 64: CamType = ( sum(np.multiply(StatusLine[60:64], converter)) / NrAcc ) # Camera Type Code (Our Photonfocus "MV1-D1024E-160-CL-12" is 110) self.camera_info["CamType"] = CamType if width >= 68: SerialNr = ( sum(np.multiply(StatusLine[64:68], converter)) / NrAcc ) # Camera Serial Number self.camera_info["SerialNr"] = SerialNr if width >= 80: tmp_ = list(range(3, -13, -1)) tmp_0 = np.float_power(2, tmp_) tmp_1 = np.multiply(StatusLine[76:80], converter) tmp_2 = int(np.sum(tmp_1) / self.NrAcc) tmp_3 = self.decimalToBinary(tmp_2, 16) tmp_4 = np.multiply(tmp_3, tmp_0) FineGain = np.sum(tmp_4) self.camera_info["FineGain"] = FineGain if width >= 96: TrgLvl = self.decimalToBinary( int(np.sum(np.multiply(StatusLine[92:96], converter))) / NrAcc, 4 ) # Trigger Level: signals level of the trigger input signals. Bit # 0: ExSync (CC1): Bit 1: I/O Trigger; Bit 2: CC3; Bit 3: CC4 self.camera_info["TrgLvl"] = TrgLvl