Source code for piscat.InputOutput.reading_videos

from __future__ import print_function

import os

import cv2
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import tifffile
from import fits
from flifile import FliFile
from skimage import io
from skimage.color import rgb2gray
from tqdm.autonotebook import tqdm

[docs]def video_reader( file_name, type="binary", img_width=128, img_height=128, image_type=np.dtype("<f8"), s_frame=0, e_frame=-1, ): """ This is a wrapper that can be used to call various video/image readers. Parameters ---------- file_name: str Path of video and file name, e.g. test.jpg. type: str Define the video/image format to be loaded. * 'binary': use this flag to load binary * 'tif': use this flag to load tif * 'avi': use this flag to load avi * 'png': use this flag to load png * 'fits': use this flag to load fits * 'fli': use this flag to load fli optional_parameters: These parameters are used when video 'bin_type' define as binary. img_width: int For binary images, it specifies the image width. img_height: int For binary images, it specifies the image height. image_type: str Numpy.dtype('<u2') --> video with uint16 pixels data type * "i" (signed) integer, "u" unsigned integer, "f" floating-point * "<" active little-endian * "1" 8-bit, "2" 16-bit, "4" 32-bit, "8" 64-bit s_frame: int Video reads from this frame. This is used for cropping a video. e_frame: int Video reads until this frame. This is used for cropping a video. Returns ------- @returns: NDArray The video/image """ if type == "binary": video = read_binary( file_name, img_width=img_width, img_height=img_height, image_type=image_type, s_frame=s_frame, e_frame=e_frame, ) elif type == "tif": video = read_tif(file_name) elif type == "avi": video = read_avi(file_name) elif type == "png": video = read_png(file_name) elif type == "fits": video = read_fits(file_name) elif type == "fli": video = read_fli(file_name) return video
[docs]def read_binary( file_name, img_width=128, img_height=128, image_type=np.dtype("<f8"), s_frame=0, e_frame=-1 ): """ This function reads binary video. Parameters ---------- file_name: str Path and name of binary video. img_width: int It specifies the image width. img_height: int It specifies the image height. image_type: str * "i" (signed) integer, "u" unsigned integer, "f" floating-point * "<" active little-endian * "1" 8-bit, "2" 16-bit, "4" 32-bit, "8" 64-bit s_frame: int Video reads from this frame. This is used for cropping a video. e_frame: int Video reads until this frame. This is used for cropping a video. Returns ------- @returns: NDArray The video is 3D-numpy (number of frames, width, height). """ if e_frame == -1: num_selected_frames = -1 else: num_selected_frames = (e_frame - s_frame) * (img_width * img_height) offset = s_frame * (img_width * img_height) img_bin = np.fromfile(file_name, image_type, count=num_selected_frames, sep="", offset=offset) number_of_frame = int(img_bin.size / (img_width * img_height)) return np.reshape(img_bin, (number_of_frame, img_width, img_height))
[docs]def read_tif(filename): """ Reading image/video with TIF format. Parameters ---------- file_name: str Path and name of TIF image/video. Returns ------- @returns: NDArray The video is 3D-numpy (number of frames, width, height). """ vid_ = tifffile.imread(filename) if vid_.ndim == 4: frames_list = [] for i_ in range(vid_.shape[0]): gray = cv2.cvtColor(vid_[i_, ...], cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) frames_list.append(gray) else: frames_list = vid_ frames_list = np.asarray(frames_list) return frames_list
def read_tif_iterate(filename): """ Reading image/video with TIF format. Parameters ---------- file_name: str Path and name of TIF image/video. Returns ------- @returns: NDArray The video is 3D-numpy (number of frames, width, height). """ vid_ = [] with tifffile.TiffFile(filename) as tif: for page in tqdm(tif.pages): image = page.asarray() vid_.append(image) vid_ = np.array(vid_) if vid_.ndim == 4: frames_list = [] for i_ in range(vid_.shape[0]): gray = cv2.cvtColor(vid_[i_, ...], cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) frames_list.append(gray) else: frames_list = vid_ frames_list = np.asarray(frames_list) return frames_list
[docs]def read_avi(filename): """ Reading video with AVI format. Parameters ---------- file_name: str Path and name of AVI video. Returns ------- video: NDArray The video is 3D-numpy (number of frames, width, height). """ cap = cv2.VideoCapture(filename) frames_list = [] while cap.isOpened(): ret, frame = if ret and frame is not None: gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) frames_list.append(gray) else: break cap.release() video = np.asarray(frames_list) return video
[docs]def read_png(filename): """ Reading image with PNG format. Parameters ---------- file_name: str Path and name of PNG image. Returns ------- @returns: NDArray The video is 2D-numpy (width, height). """ img = io.imread(filename) if len(img.shape) == 3: grayscale = rgb2gray(img) elif len(img.shape) == 2: grayscale = img return grayscale
[docs]def read_fits(filename): """ Reading image/video with fits format. Parameters ---------- file_name: str Path and name of fits image/video. Returns ------- @returns: NDArray The video as 3D-numpy with the following shape (number of frames, width, height) """ hdul = return hdul[0].data
def read_fli(filename): """ Reading image/video with fli format. Parameters ---------- file_name: str Path and name of fits image/video. Returns ------- @returns: NDArray The video as 3D-numpy with the following shape (number of frames, width, height) """ myflifile = FliFile(filename) data = myflifile.getdata() data_ = np.transpose(data, (2, 0, 1)) return data_
[docs]class DirectoryType: def __init__(self, dirName, type_file): """ Based on the type file description, this class generates a dataframe containing 'Directory,' 'Folder,' and 'File' from all files below the define directory. Parameters ---------- dirName: str A directory that is used to look for files of a particular type file. type_file: str The type of files that the user is looking for. """ self.dirName = dirName self.type = type_file # Get the list of all files in directory tree at given path fileNames = [] dirPaths = [] dirnames = [] for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(dirName): for file in filenames: if file.endswith(self.type): dirPaths.append(dirpath) fileNames.append(file) dirnames.append(os.path.basename(dirpath)) self.df = pd.DataFrame( list(zip(dirPaths, dirnames, fileNames)), columns=["Directory", "Folder", "File"] )
[docs] def return_df(self): """ Based on the type file specification, this function returns a pandas data frame containing 'Directory,"Folder,' and 'File' from all files below the define directory. Returns ------- The data frame contains ('Directory', 'Folder', 'File') """ return self.df
def get_list_of_files(self, dirName): # create a list of file and sub directories # names in the given directory listOfFile = os.listdir(dirName) allFiles = list() # Iterate over all the entries for entry in listOfFile: # Create full path fullPath = os.path.join(dirName, entry) # If entry is a directory then get the list of files in this directory if os.path.isdir(fullPath): allFiles = allFiles + self.get_list_of_files(fullPath) else: allFiles.append(fullPath) return allFiles