Source code for piscat.Localization.particle_localization

import os
import warnings

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from ipywidgets import Layout, interact, widgets
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from PySide6.QtCore import Slot
from skimage import feature
from skimage.feature import peak_local_max
from tqdm.autonotebook import tqdm

from piscat.InputOutput.cpu_configurations import CPUConfigurations
from piscat.Localization import data_handling, gaussian_2D_fit, radial_symmetry_centering
from piscat.Preproccessing import filtering, normalization

[docs]class PSFsExtraction: def __init__(self, video, flag_transform=False, flag_GUI=False, **kwargs): """This class employs a variety of PSF localization methods, including DoG/LoG/DoH/RS/RVT. It returns a list containing the following details: [[frame number, center y, center x, sigma], [frame number, center y, center x, sigma], ...] Parameters ---------- video: NDArray Numpy 3D video array. flag_transform: bool In case it is defined as true, the input video is already transformed. So it does not need to run this task during localization. flag_GUI: bool While the GUI is calling this class, it is true. """ super(PSFsExtraction, self).__init__() self.cpu = CPUConfigurations() self.kwargs = kwargs self.counter = 0 self.flag_GUI = flag_GUI = video self.flag_transform = flag_transform self.norm_vid = None self.psf_dog = None self.psf_doh = None self.psf_log = None self.psf_hog = None self.psf_frst = None self.psf_hog_1D_feature = None self.min_sigma = None self.max_sigma = None self.sigma_ratio = None self.threshold = None self.overlap = None self.radii = None self.alpha = None self.beta = None self.stdFactor = None self.mode = None self.function = None self.df_PSF = None @Slot() def run(self): result = self.psf_detection(**self.kwargs) self.signals.result.emit(result)
[docs] def dog(self, image): """ PSF localization using DoG. Parameters ---------- image: NDArray image is an input numpy array. Returns ------- tmp: list [y, x, sigma] """ return feature.blob_dog( image, min_sigma=self.min_sigma, max_sigma=self.max_sigma, sigma_ratio=self.sigma_ratio, threshold=self.threshold, overlap=self.overlap, exclude_border=True, )
[docs] def doh(self, image): """ PSF localization using DoH. Parameters ---------- image: NDArray image is an input numpy array. Returns ------- tmp: list [y, x, sigma] """ tmp = feature.blob_doh( image, min_sigma=self.min_sigma, max_sigma=self.max_sigma, num_sigma=int(self.sigma_ratio), threshold=self.threshold, overlap=self.overlap, ) return tmp
[docs] def log(self, image): """ PSF localization using LoG. Parameters ---------- image: NDArray image is an input numpy array. Returns ------- @returns: list [y, x, sigma] """ return feature.blob_log( image, min_sigma=self.min_sigma, max_sigma=self.max_sigma, num_sigma=int(self.sigma_ratio), threshold=self.threshold, overlap=self.overlap, exclude_border=True, )
def _rvt(self, image): """ PSF localization using RVT. Parameters ---------- image: NDArray image is an input numpy array. Returns ------- tmp: list [y, x, sigma] """ if self.flag_transform: tr_img = image else: rvt_ = filtering.RadialVarianceTransform() tr_img = rvt_.rvt( img=image, rmin=self.min_radial, rmax=self.max_radial, kind=self.rvt_kind, highpass_size=self.highpass_size, upsample=self.upsample, rweights=self.rweights, coarse_factor=self.coarse_factor, coarse_mode=self.coarse_mode, pad_mode=self.pad_mode, ) local_maxima = peak_local_max( tr_img, threshold_abs=self.threshold, footprint=np.ones((3,) * (image.ndim)), threshold_rel=0.0, exclude_border=True, ) # Catch no peaks if local_maxima.size == 0: return np.empty((0, 3)) sigmas = (self.min_radial / np.sqrt(2)) * np.ones((local_maxima.shape[0], 1)) tmp = np.concatenate((local_maxima, sigmas), axis=1) return tmp
[docs] def fit_Gaussian2D_wrapper(self, PSF_List, scale=5, internal_parallel_flag=False): """PSF localization using fit_Gaussian2D. Parameters ---------- PSF_List: pandas dataframe The data frame contains PSFs locations( x, y, frame, sigma) scale: int The ROI around PSFs is defined using this scale, which is based on their sigmas. internal_parallel_flag: bool Internal flag for activating parallel computation. Default is True! Returns ------- df: pandas dataframe The data frame contains PSFs locations ( 'y', 'x', 'frame', 'center_intensity', 'sigma', 'Sigma_ratio') and fitting information. fit_params is a list include ('Fit_Amplitude', 'Fit_X-Center', 'Fit_Y-Center', 'Fit_X-Sigma', 'Fit_Y-Sigma', 'Fit_Bias', 'Fit_errors_Amplitude', 'Fit_errors_X-Center', 'Fit_errors_Y-Center', 'Fit_errors_X-Sigma', 'Fit_errors_Y-Sigma', 'Fit_errors_Bias']. """ if type(PSF_List) is list: df_PSF = data_handling.list2dataframe(feature_position=PSF_List, elif type(PSF_List) is pd.core.frame.DataFrame: df_PSF = PSF_List else: raise ValueError("PSF_List does not have correct bin_type") self.df2numpy = df_PSF.to_numpy() if self.cpu.parallel_active and internal_parallel_flag: print("\n---Fitting 2D gaussian with parallel loop---") list_df = Parallel( n_jobs=self.cpu.n_jobs, backend=self.cpu.backend, verbose=self.cpu.verbose )( delayed(self.fit_2D_gussian_kernel)(i_, scale) for i_ in tqdm(range(self.df2numpy.shape[0])) ) else: print("\n---Fitting 2D gaussian without parallel loop---") list_df = [] for i_ in tqdm(range(self.df2numpy.shape[0])): tmp = self.fit_2D_gussian_kernel(i_, scale) list_df.append(tmp) df2numpy = np.asarray(list_df) if df2numpy.shape[0] != 0: df = pd.DataFrame( data=df2numpy, columns=[ "y", "x", "frame", "center_intensity", "sigma", "Sigma_ratio", "Fit_Amplitude", "Fit_X-Center", "Fit_Y-Center", "Fit_X-Sigma", "Fit_Y-Sigma", "Fit_Bias", "Fit_errors_Amplitude", "Fit_errors_X-Center", "Fit_errors_Y-Center", "Fit_errors_X-Sigma", "Fit_errors_Y-Sigma", "Fit_errors_Bias", ], ) else: df = None return df
def fit_2D_gussian_kernel( self, i_, scale=5, flag_init=False, image=None, start_sigma=(None, None), display_flag=False, ): if flag_init: fit_params_ = gaussian_2D_fit.fit_2D_Gaussian_varAmp( image, sigma_x=start_sigma[0], sigma_y=start_sigma[1], display_flag=display_flag ) return fit_params_ else: sigma_0 = self.df2numpy[i_, 4] cen_int = self.df2numpy[i_, 3] frame_num = self.df2numpy[i_, 2] p_x = self.df2numpy[i_, 1] p_y = self.df2numpy[i_, 0] window_size = scale * np.sqrt(2) * sigma_0 start_sigma = sigma_0 img_size_x =[2] img_size_y =[1] start_y = np.max([0, p_y - window_size]) start_x = np.max([0, p_x - window_size]) end_y = np.min([img_size_y - 1, p_y + window_size]) end_x = np.min([img_size_x - 1, p_x + window_size]) w_s_x_1 = round(abs(p_x - start_x)) w_s_y_1 = round(abs(p_y - start_y)) w_s_x_2 = round(abs(p_y - end_y)) w_s_y_2 = round(abs(p_x - end_x)) w_s = np.min([w_s_x_1, w_s_y_1, w_s_x_2, w_s_y_2]) start_y = p_y - w_s start_x = p_x - w_s end_y = p_y + w_s end_x = p_x + w_s if start_y >= 0 and start_x >= 0 and end_y <= img_size_y and end_x <= img_size_x: window_frame =[ int(frame_num), int(start_y) : int(end_y), int(start_x) : int(end_x) ] else: raise ValueError("Cropping size is not accurate!") fit_params = gaussian_2D_fit.fit_2D_Gaussian_varAmp( window_frame, sigma_x=start_sigma, sigma_y=start_sigma, display_flag=display_flag ) params = [p_y, p_x, frame_num, cen_int, sigma_0] if fit_params[0] is not None: params.append(fit_params[0]) else: params.append(np.nan) if fit_params[1] is not None: params.append(fit_params[1][0]) params.append(fit_params[1][1] + p_x - w_s) params.append(fit_params[1][2] + p_y - w_s) params.append(fit_params[1][3]) params.append(fit_params[1][4]) params.append(fit_params[1][5]) else: params.append(np.nan) params.append(np.nan) params.append(np.nan) params.append(np.nan) params.append(np.nan) params.append(np.nan) if fit_params[2] is not None: params.append(fit_params[2][0]) params.append(fit_params[2][1]) params.append(fit_params[2][2]) params.append(fit_params[2][3]) params.append(fit_params[2][4]) params.append(fit_params[2][5]) else: params.append(np.nan) params.append(np.nan) params.append(np.nan) params.append(np.nan) params.append(np.nan) params.append(np.nan) return params
[docs] def frst_one_PSF(self, image): """The lateral position of PSFs with subpixel resolution is returned by this function. Because this function only works when there is only one PSF in the field of view, it is typically used after coarse localization to extract fine localization for each PSF. Parameters ---------- image: NDArray image is an input numpy array. Returns ------- @returns: list [y, x, sigma] References ---------- [1] Parthasarathy, R. Rapid, accurate particle tracking by calculation of radial symmetry centers. Nat Methods 9, 724–726 (2012). """ if image.shape[0] == image.shape[1]: xc, yc, sigma = radial_symmetry_centering.RadialCenter().radialcenter(Image=image) elif image.shape[0] > image.shape[1]: tmp = np.median(image) + np.zeros((image.shape[0], image.shape[0])) tmp[: image.shape[0], : image.shape[1]] = image offset = image.shape[0] - image.shape[1] xc, yc, sigma = radial_symmetry_centering.RadialCenter().radialcenter(Image=tmp) xc = xc - offset elif image.shape[0] < image.shape[1]: tmp = np.median(image) + np.zeros((image.shape[1], image.shape[1])) tmp[: image.shape[0], : image.shape[1]] = image offset = image.shape[1] - image.shape[0] xc, yc, sigma = radial_symmetry_centering.RadialCenter().radialcenter(Image=tmp) yc = yc - offset return [yc, xc, sigma]
[docs] def improve_localization_with_frst(self, df_PSFs, scale, flag_preview=False): """It extracts subpixels localization based on initial pixel localization using ``frst_one_PSF`` methods for all detected PSFs. Parameters ---------- df_PSFs: pandas dataframe The data frame contains PSFs locations( x, y, frame, sigma) scale: int The ROI around PSFs is defined using this scale, which is based on their sigmas. flag_preview: bool When the GUI calls these functions, this flag is set as True. Returns ------- sub_pixel_localization: pandas dataframe The data frame contains subpixels PSFs locations( x, y, frame, sigma) """ sigma = df_PSFs["sigma"].tolist() psf_position_x = df_PSFs["x"].tolist() psf_position_y = df_PSFs["y"].tolist() psf_position_frame = df_PSFs["frame"].tolist() if self.cpu.parallel_active and flag_preview is not True: print("\n---start improve_localization with parallel loop---") try: result0 = Parallel( n_jobs=self.cpu.n_jobs, backend=self.cpu.backend, verbose=self.cpu.verbose )( delayed(self.frst_wrapper)(p_, scale) for p_ in tqdm(zip(psf_position_frame, psf_position_x, psf_position_y, sigma)) ) except: warnings.warn("switch backend to threading", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=1) result0 = Parallel( n_jobs=self.cpu.n_jobs, backend="threading", verbose=self.cpu.verbose )( delayed(self.frst_wrapper)(p_, scale) for p_ in tqdm(zip(psf_position_frame, psf_position_x, psf_position_y, sigma)) ) else: print("\n---start improve_localization without parallel loop---") result0 = [ self.frst_wrapper(p_, scale) for p_ in tqdm(zip(psf_position_frame, psf_position_x, psf_position_y, sigma)) ] tmp2 = [tmp for tmp in result0 if isinstance(tmp, np.ndarray)] # remove non values sub_pixel_localization = data_handling.list2dataframe( feature_position=tmp2, ) return sub_pixel_localization
def frst_wrapper(self, p_, scale=4): subPixel = None f_ = int(p_[0]) x_ = int(p_[1]) y_ = int(p_[2]) sigma_ = p_[3] win_size = int(scale * sigma_) tmp_x = [0, (x_ - win_size)] x_start = np.max(tmp_x) tmp_x = [(x_ + win_size),[1]] x_end = np.min(tmp_x) tmp_y = [0, (y_ - win_size)] y_start = np.max(tmp_y) tmp_y = [(y_ + win_size),[2]] y_end = np.min(tmp_y) particle_windows =[f_, y_start:y_end, x_start:x_end] if particle_windows.shape[0] == particle_windows.shape[1]: new_position = self.frst_one_PSF(particle_windows) if (new_position[0] + y_ - win_size) >[1]: l_y = None else: l_y = new_position[0] + y_ - win_size if (new_position[1] + x_ - win_size) >[2]: l_x = None else: l_x = new_position[1] + x_ - win_size if l_x is not None and l_y is not None: tmp = np.expand_dims(np.asarray([f_, l_y, l_x, new_position[2]]), axis=0) if subPixel is None: subPixel = tmp else: subPixel = np.concatenate((subPixel, tmp), axis=0) return subPixel
[docs] def psf_detection( self, function, min_sigma=1, max_sigma=2, sigma_ratio=1.1, threshold=0, overlap=0, min_radial=1, max_radial=2, radial_step=0.1, alpha=2, beta=1, stdFactor=1, rvt_kind="basic", highpass_size=None, upsample=1, rweights=None, coarse_factor=1, coarse_mode="add", pad_mode="constant", mode="BOTH", flag_GUI_=False, ): """This function is a wrapper for calling various PSF localization methods. Parameters ---------- function: str PSF localization algorithm which should be selected from : (``'dog'``, ``'log'``, ``'doh'``, ``'frst_one_psf'``, ``'RVT'``) mode: str Defines which PSFs will be detected (``'BRIGHT'``, ``'DARK'``, or ``'BOTH'``). flag_GUI_: bool Only is used when GUI calls this function. optional_1: These parameters are used when ``'dog'``, ``'log'``, ``'doh'`` are defined as function. * `min_sigma`: float, list of floats The is the minimum standard deviation for the kernel. The lower the value, the smaller blobs can be detected. The standard deviations of the filter are given for each axis in sequence or with a single number which is considered for both axis. * `max_sigma`: float, list of floats The is the maximum standard deviation for the kernel. The higher the value, the bigger blobs can be detected. The standard deviations of the filter are given for each axis in sequence or with a single number which is considered for both axis. * `sigma_ratio`: float * The ratio between the standard deviation of Kernels which is used for computing the DoG and LoG. * The number of intermediate values of standard deviations between min_sigma and max_sigma for computing the DoH. * `threshold_min`: float The absolute lower bound for scale space maxima. Local maxima smaller than thresh are ignored. Reduce this to detect blobs with less intensities. * `overlap`: float A value between 0 and 1. If the area of two blobs are overlapping by a fraction greater than threshold_min, smaller blobs are eliminated. optional_2: These parameters are used when ``"RVT"`` is defined as function. * `min_radial`: minimal radius (inclusive) * `max_radial`: maximal radius (inclusive) * `rvt_kind`: either ``"basic"`` (only VoM), or ``"normalized"`` (VoM/MoV); normalized version increases subpixel bias, but it works better at lower SNR * `highpass_size`: size of the high-pass filter; ``None`` means no filter (effectively, infinite size) * `upsample`: int integer image upsampling factor; `rmin` and `rmax` are adjusted automatically (i.e., they refer to the non-upsampled image); if ``upsample>1``, the resulting image size is multiplied by ``upsample`` * `rweights`: relative weights of different radial kernels; must be a 1D array of the length ``(rmax-rmin+1)//coarse_factor`` coarse_factor: the reduction factor for the number ring kernels; can be used to speed up calculations at the expense of precision coarse_mode: the reduction method; can be ``"add"`` (add ``coarse_factor`` rings in a row to get a thicker ring, which works better for smooth features), or ``"skip"`` (only keep on in ``coarse_factor`` rings, which works better for very fine features) * `coarse_factor`: the reduction factor for the number ring kernels; can be used to speed up calculations at the expense of precision * `coarse_mode`: the reduction method; can be ``"add"`` (add ``coarse_factor`` rings in a row to get a thicker ring, which works better for smooth features), or ``"skip"`` (only keep on in ``coarse_factor`` rings, which works better for very fine features) * `pad_mode`: edge padding mode for convolutions; can be either one of modes accepted by ``np.pad`` (such as ``"constant"``, ``"reflect"``, or ``"edge"``), or ``"fast"``, which means faster no-padding (a combination of ``"wrap"`` and ``"constant"`` padding depending on the image size); ``"fast"`` mode works faster for smaller images and larger ``rmax``, but the border pixels (within ``rmax`` from the edge) are less reliable; note that the image mean is subtracted before processing, so ``pad_mode="constant"`` (default) is equivalent to padding with a constant value equal to the image mean Returns ------- df_PSF: pandas dataframe The dataframe for PSFs that contains the ['x', 'y', 'frame number', 'sigma'] for each PSF. """ self.min_sigma = min_sigma self.max_sigma = max_sigma self.sigma_ratio = sigma_ratio self.threshold = threshold self.overlap = overlap self.min_radial = min_radial self.max_radial = max_radial self.radial_step = radial_step self.alpha = alpha self.beta = beta self.stdFactor = stdFactor self.mode = mode self.rvt_kind = rvt_kind self.highpass_size = highpass_size self.upsample = upsample self.rweights = rweights self.coarse_factor = coarse_factor self.coarse_mode = coarse_mode self.pad_mode = pad_mode if != 3 and == 2: = np.expand_dims(, axis=0) if self.cpu.parallel_active: self.function = function print("\n---start PSF detection with parallel loop---") if flag_GUI_ is False: try: result0 = Parallel( n_jobs=self.cpu.n_jobs, backend=self.cpu.backend, verbose=self.cpu.verbose )( delayed(self.psf_detection_kernel)(x) for x in tqdm(range([0])) ) result = [x for x in result0 if x is not None] except: warnings.warn("switch backend to threading", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=1) result0 = Parallel( n_jobs=self.cpu.n_jobs, backend="threading", verbose=self.cpu.verbose )(delayed(self.psf_detection_kernel)(x) for x in range([0])) result = [x for x in result0 if x is not None] else: result0 = Parallel( n_jobs=self.cpu.n_jobs, backend="threading", verbose=self.cpu.verbose )(delayed(self.psf_detection_kernel)(x) for x in tqdm(range([0]))) result = [x for x in result0 if x is not None] else: print("\n---start PSF detection without parallel loop---") self.function = function result0 = [self.psf_detection_kernel(x) for x in tqdm(range([0]))] result = [x for x in result0 if x is not None] df_PSF = data_handling.list2dataframe(feature_position=result, return df_PSF
[docs] def psf_detection_preview( self, function, min_sigma=1, max_sigma=2, sigma_ratio=1.1, threshold=0, overlap=0, min_radial=1, max_radial=2, radial_step=0.1, alpha=2, beta=1, stdFactor=1, rvt_kind="basic", highpass_size=None, upsample=1, rweights=None, coarse_factor=1, coarse_mode="add", pad_mode="constant", mode="BOTH", frame_number=0, median_filter_flag=False, color="gray", imgSizex=5, imgSizey=5, IntSlider_width="500px", title="", ): """This function is a preview wrapper for calling various PSF localization methods. Parameters ---------- function: str PSF localization algorithm which should be selected from : (``'dog'``, ``'log'``, ``'doh'``, ``'frst_one_psf``') mode: str Defines which PSFs will be detected (``'BRIGHT'``, ``'DARK'``, or ``'BOTH'``). frame_number: int Selecting frame number that PSFs detection should apply on it. optional_1: These parameters are used when ``'dog'``, ``'log'``, ``'doh'`` are defined as function. * `min_sigma`: float, list of floats The is the minimum standard deviation for the kernel. The lower the value, the smaller blobs can be detected. The standard deviations of the filter are given for each axis in sequence or with a single number which is considered for both axis. * `max_sigma`: float, list of floats The is the maximum standard deviation for the kernel. The higher the value, the bigger blobs can be detected. The standard deviations of the filter are given for each axis in sequence or with a single number which is considered for both axis. * `sigma_ratio`: float * The ratio between the standard deviation of Kernels which is used for computing the DoG and LoG. * The number of intermediate values of standard deviations between min_sigma and max_sigma for computing the DoH. * `threshold_min`: float The absolute lower bound for scale space maxima. Local maxima smaller than thresh are ignored. Reduce this to detect blobs with less intensities. * `overlap`: float A value between 0 and 1. If the area of two blobs are overlapping by a fraction greater than threshold_min, smaller blobs are eliminated. optional_2: These parameters are used when ``'RVT'`` is defined as function. * `min_radial`: minimal radius (inclusive) * `max_radial`: maximal radius (inclusive) * `rvt_kind`: either ``"basic"`` (only VoM), or ``"normalized"`` (VoM/MoV); normalized version increases subpixel bias, but it works better at lower SNR * `highpass_size`: size of the high-pass filter; ``None`` means no filter (effectively, infinite size) * `upsample`: int integer image upsampling factor; `rmin` and `rmax` are adjusted automatically (i.e., they refer to the non-upsampled image); if ``upsample>1``, the resulting image size is multiplied by ``upsample`` * `rweights`: relative weights of different radial kernels; must be a 1D array of the length ``(rmax-rmin+1)//coarse_factor`` coarse_factor: the reduction factor for the number ring kernels; can be used to speed up calculations at the expense of precision coarse_mode: the reduction method; can be ``"add"`` (add ``coarse_factor`` rings in a row to get a thicker ring, which works better for smooth features), or ``"skip"`` (only keep on in ``coarse_factor`` rings, which works better for very fine features) * `coarse_factor`: the reduction factor for the number ring kernels; can be used to speed up calculations at the expense of precision * `coarse_mode`: the reduction method; can be ``"add"`` (add ``coarse_factor`` rings in a row to get a thicker ring, which works better for smooth features), or ``"skip"`` (only keep on in ``coarse_factor`` rings, which works better for very fine features) * `pad_mode`: edge padding mode for convolutions; can be either one of modes accepted by ``np.pad`` (such as ``"constant"``, ``"reflect"``, or ``"edge"``), or ``"fast"``, which means faster no-padding (a combination of ``"wrap"`` and ``"constant"`` padding depending on the image size); ``"fast"`` mode works faster for smaller images and larger ``rmax``, but the border pixels (within ``rmax`` from the edge) are less reliable; note that the image mean is subtracted before processing, so ``pad_mode="constant"`` (default) is equivalent to padding with a constant value equal to the image mean Returns ------- df_PSF: pandas dataframe The dataframe for PSFs that contains the ['x', 'y', 'frame number', 'sigma'] for each PSF """ self.min_sigma = min_sigma self.max_sigma = max_sigma self.sigma_ratio = sigma_ratio self.overlap = overlap self.min_radial = min_radial self.max_radial = max_radial self.radial_step = radial_step self.alpha = alpha self.beta = beta self.stdFactor = stdFactor self.mode = mode self.function = function self.frame_number = frame_number self.title = title self.rvt_kind = rvt_kind self.highpass_size = highpass_size self.upsample = upsample self.rweights = rweights self.coarse_factor = coarse_factor self.coarse_mode = coarse_mode self.pad_mode = pad_mode self.median_filter_flag = median_filter_flag self.color = color self.imgSizex = imgSizex self.imgSizey = imgSizey self.IntSlider_width = IntSlider_width if != 3 and == 2: = np.expand_dims(, axis=0) self.threshold = threshold df_PSF = self.psf_preview_kernel() return df_PSF
def psf_preview_kernel(self): if type(self.frame_number) == list: result = [self.psf_detection_kernel(f_) for f_ in self.frame_number] else: result = self.psf_detection_kernel(self.frame_number) df_PSF = data_handling.list2dataframe(feature_position=result, return df_PSF def psf_detection_kernel(self, i_): i_ = int(i_) if len( == 3 and[0] > 0: if self.function == "dog": if self.mode == "BOTH": positive_psf =[i_, :, :]) negative_psf = *[i_, :, :]) temp2 = self.concatenateBrightDark(positive_psf, negative_psf, i_) elif self.mode == "Bright": positive_psf =[i_, :, :]) negative_psf = [] temp2 = self.concatenateBrightDark(positive_psf, negative_psf, i_) elif self.mode == "Dark": positive_psf = [] negative_psf = *[i_, :, :]) temp2 = self.concatenateBrightDark(positive_psf, negative_psf, i_) elif self.function == "doh": if self.mode == "BOTH": positive_psf = self.doh([i_, :, :]) negative_psf = [] temp2 = self.concatenateBrightDark(positive_psf, negative_psf, i_) elif self.function == "log": if self.mode == "BOTH": positive_psf = self.log([i_, :, :]) negative_psf = self.log(-1 *[i_, :, :]) temp2 = self.concatenateBrightDark(positive_psf, negative_psf, i_) elif self.mode == "Bright": positive_psf = self.log([i_, :, :]) negative_psf = [] temp2 = self.concatenateBrightDark(positive_psf, negative_psf, i_) elif self.mode == "Dark": positive_psf = [] negative_psf = self.log(-1 *[i_, :, :]) temp2 = self.concatenateBrightDark(positive_psf, negative_psf, i_) elif self.function == "frst_one_psf": b_psf = self.frst_one_PSF([i_, :, :]) temp2 = self.concatenateBrightDark(b_psf, [], i_) temp2 = np.expand_dims(temp2, axis=0) elif self.function == "RVT": b_psf = self._rvt([i_, :, :]) temp2 = self.concatenateBrightDark(b_psf, [], i_) else: if self.function == "dog": if self.mode == "BOTH": positive_psf = negative_psf = * temp2 = self.concatenateBrightDark(positive_psf, negative_psf, i_) elif self.mode == "Bright": positive_psf = negative_psf = [] temp2 = self.concatenateBrightDark(positive_psf, negative_psf, i_) elif self.mode == "Dark": positive_psf = [] negative_psf = * temp2 = self.concatenateBrightDark(positive_psf, negative_psf, i_) elif self.function == "doh": if self.mode == "BOTH": positive_psf = self.doh( negative_psf = [] temp2 = self.concatenateBrightDark(positive_psf, negative_psf, i_) elif self.function == "log": if self.mode == "BOTH": positive_psf = self.log( negative_psf = self.log(-1 * temp2 = self.concatenateBrightDark(positive_psf, negative_psf, i_) elif self.mode == "Bright": positive_psf = self.log( negative_psf = [] temp2 = self.concatenateBrightDark(positive_psf, negative_psf, i_) elif self.mode == "Dark": positive_psf = [] negative_psf = self.log(-1 * temp2 = self.concatenateBrightDark(positive_psf, negative_psf, i_) elif self.function == "frst_one_psf": b_psf = self.frst_one_PSF( temp2 = self.concatenateBrightDark(b_psf, [], i_) temp2 = np.expand_dims(temp2, axis=0) elif self.function == "RVT": b_psf = self._rvt( temp2 = self.concatenateBrightDark(b_psf, [], i_) temp2 = np.expand_dims(temp2, axis=0) return temp2 def concatenateBrightDark(self, bright_psf, dark_psf, i_): if len(bright_psf) != 0 and len(dark_psf) != 0: psf = np.unique(np.concatenate((bright_psf, dark_psf)), axis=0) frame_num = i_ * np.ones((psf.shape[0], 1), dtype=int) temp2 = np.concatenate((frame_num, psf), axis=1) elif len(bright_psf) != 0 and len(dark_psf) == 0: psf = np.asarray(bright_psf) frame_num = i_ * np.ones((psf.shape[0], 1), dtype=int) if len(psf.shape) != len(frame_num.shape) and len(psf.shape) == 1: temp2 = np.concatenate(([i_], psf), axis=0) else: temp2 = np.concatenate((frame_num, psf), axis=1) elif len(bright_psf) == 0 and len(dark_psf) != 0: psf = np.asarray(dark_psf) frame_num = i_ * np.ones((psf.shape[0], 1), dtype=int) temp2 = np.concatenate((frame_num, psf), axis=1) else: temp2 = None return temp2