Source code for piscat.Localization.radial_symmetry_centering

from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from scipy import signal
from tqdm.autonotebook import tqdm

from piscat.InputOutput.cpu_configurations import CPUConfigurations
from piscat.Preproccessing import patch_genrator

[docs]class RadialCenter: def __init__(self): """The RadialCenter localization algorithm is implemented in Python. References ---------- The Radial Center localization algorithm code has been adopted from this paper. Parthasarathy, R. Rapid, accurate particle tracking by calculation of radial symmetry centers. Nat Methods 9, 724–726 (2012). """ self.cpu = CPUConfigurations() self.patch_gen = None self.patch = None self.video_shape = None self.probility_map = None def psf_center_all_frames(self, video): p_center_all = [] if self.cpu.parallel_active is True: print("\n---Center localization with parallel loop---") result = Parallel( n_jobs=self.cpu.n_jobs, backend=self.cpu.backend, verbose=self.cpu.verbose )(delayed(self.radialcenter)(video[i_, :, :]) for i_ in range(video.shape[0])) columns_name = ["x", "y", "sigma"] df_psf = pd.DataFrame(result, columns=columns_name) else: print("\n---Center localization without parallel loop---") for i_ in range(video.shape[0]): xc, yc, sigma = self.radialcenter(video[i_, :, :]) p_center_all.append([xc, yc, sigma]) columns_name = ["x", "y", "sigma"] df_psf = pd.DataFrame(p_center_all, columns=columns_name) return df_psf def patch_genrator(self, original_video, patch_size=16, strides=4): self.video_shape = original_video.shape self.patch_gen = patch_genrator.ImagePatching() self.patch = self.patch_gen.split_weight_matrix( original_video, patch_size=patch_size, strides=strides ) def radialcenter_probility_map(self): if self.patch is not None and self.patch_gen is not None and self.patch_gen is not None: patch_probility = [] for p_ in tqdm(self.patch): tmp_ = np.zeros(p_.shape) self.parallel_active = False df_psf = self.psf_center_all_frames(p_) y_list = df_psf["y"].to_list() x_list = df_psf["y"].to_list() f_list = list(range(0, df_psf.shape[0], 1)) y_list_ = [int(v_) for v_ in y_list] x_list_ = [int(v_) for v_ in x_list] try: tmp_[f_list, y_list_, x_list_] = 1 patch_probility.append(tmp_) except: patch_probility.append(tmp_) self.probility_map = self.patch_gen.reconstruction_weight_matrix( self.video_shape, new_patch=patch_probility ) return self.probility_map else: print("you need to call patch_genrator method!") def radialcenter(self, Image): Image = Image.astype(np.float64) Nx = Image.shape[0] Ny = Image.shape[1] xm_onerow = np.arange(-((Nx - 1) / 2.0) + 0.5, ((Nx - 1) / 2.0) + 0.5, 1, dtype=np.int64) xm = np.broadcast_to(xm_onerow, (Nx - 1, Ny - 1)) ym_onecol = np.arange(-((Ny - 1) / 2.0) + 0.5, ((Ny - 1) / 2.0) + 0.5, dtype=np.int64) ym = np.transpose(np.broadcast_to(ym_onecol, (Nx - 1, Ny - 1))) dIdu = Image[0 : Ny - 1, 1:Nx] - Image[1:Ny, 0 : Nx - 1] dIdv = Image[0 : Ny - 1, 0 : Nx - 1] - Image[1:Ny, 1:Nx] h = (1 / 9) * np.ones((3, 3)) fdu = signal.convolve2d(dIdu, h, mode="same") fdv = signal.convolve2d(dIdv, h, mode="same") dImag2 = np.multiply(fdu, fdu) + np.multiply(fdv, fdv) m = -np.divide((fdv + fdu), (fdu - fdv)) NNanm = np.sum(np.isnan(m)) if NNanm > 0: unsmoothm = np.divide((dIdv + dIdu), (dIdu - dIdv)) m[np.isnan(m)] = unsmoothm[np.isnan(m)] NNanm = np.sum(np.isnan(m)) if NNanm > 0: m[np.isnan(m)] = 0 try: m[np.isinf(m)] = 10 * np.max(m[~np.isinf(m)]) except: m = np.divide((dIdv + dIdu), (dIdu - dIdv)) b = ym - np.multiply(m, xm) sdI2 = np.sum(dImag2) xcentroid = np.sum(np.sum(np.multiply(dImag2, xm))) / sdI2 ycentroid = np.sum(np.sum(np.multiply(dImag2, ym))) / sdI2 w = np.divide( dImag2, np.sqrt( np.multiply((xm - xcentroid), (xm - xcentroid)) + np.multiply((ym - ycentroid), (ym - ycentroid)) ), ) xc, yc = self.lsradialcenterfit(m, b, w) xc = xc + (Nx + 1) / 2.0 yc = yc + (Ny + 1) / 2.0 Isub = Image - np.min(Image) x = np.linspace(0, Nx - 1, Nx, dtype=np.int64) y = np.linspace(0, Ny - 1, Ny, dtype=np.int64) px, py = np.meshgrid(x, y) xoffset = px - xc yoffset = py - yc r2 = np.multiply(xoffset, xoffset) + np.multiply(yoffset, yoffset) sigma = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.sum(np.multiply(Isub, r2))) / np.sum(Isub)) / 2 return xc, yc, sigma def lsradialcenterfit(self, m, b, w): wm2p1 = np.divide(w, np.multiply(m, m) + 1) sw = np.sum(wm2p1) smmw = np.sum(np.multiply(m, np.multiply(m, wm2p1))) smw = np.sum(np.multiply(m, wm2p1)) smbw = np.sum(np.multiply(m, np.multiply(b, wm2p1))) sbw = np.sum(np.multiply(b, wm2p1)) det = smw * smw - smmw * sw xc = (smbw * sw - smw * sbw) / det yc = (smbw * smw - smmw * sbw) / det return xc, yc