Source code for piscat.Visualization.display

from __future__ import print_function

import imageio
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.animation as animation
import as cm
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
import numpy as np
import pylab as pl
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from matplotlib.patches import Circle
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from PySide6 import QtCore
from PySide6.QtCore import QRunnable, Signal, Slot
from scipy.ndimage import median_filter
from tqdm import tqdm

from piscat.InputOutput.cpu_configurations import CPUConfigurations
from piscat.Preproccessing.normalization import Normalization

class SignalConnection(QtCore.QObject):
    updateProgress_ = QtCore.Signal(int)
    finished = Signal()

[docs]class DisplaySubplot: def __init__( self, list_videos, numRows, numColumns, step=0, median_filter_flag=False, color="gray" ): """This class shows several videos (with the same number of frames) at once. Parameters ---------- list_videos: list of NDArray List of videos. numRows: int It defines number of rows in sub-display. numColumns: int It defines number of columns in sub-display. median_filter_flag: bool In case it defines as True, a median filter is applied with size 3 to remove hot pixel effect. color: str It defines the colormap for visualization. step: int Stride between visualization frames. """ self.color = color self.jump = step self.pressed_key = {} self.memory = 0 = list_videos self.median_filter_flag = median_filter_flag self.numRows = numRows self.numColumns = numColumns self.numVideos = len(list_videos) self.max_numberFrames = np.max([vid_.shape[0] for vid_ in list_videos]) self.fig, self.axes = plt.subplots(numRows, numColumns) = [] self.cb = [] self.tx = [] for vid_, ax in zip(, self.axes): self.div = make_axes_locatable(ax) self.cax = self.div.append_axes("right", "5%", "5%") self.cv0 = vid_[0, :, :] im_ = ax.imshow(self.cv0, origin="lower", cmap=self.color) self.cb.append( self.fig.colorbar(im_, cax=self.cax, format=ticker.FuncFormatter(self.fmt)) ) self.tx.append(ax.set_title("Frame 0")) self.ani = animation.FuncAnimation( self.fig, self.animate, frames=np.arange(0, self.max_numberFrames), blit=False ) def animate(self, i_): print(i_) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect("key_press_event", if self.pressed_key.get("key") == "q": pl.close("all") i_ = i_ + self.memory if i_ < self.max_numberFrames: for vid_, im, tx in zip(,, self.tx): if self.median_filter_flag: arr = median_filter(vid_[int(i_), :, :], 3) else: arr = median_filter(vid_[int(i_), :, :], 3) vmax = np.max(arr) vmin = np.min(arr) im.set_data(arr) im.set_clim(vmin, vmax) tx.set_text("Frame {0}".format(i_)) self.memory = i_ + self.jump else: self.ani.event_source.stop() def fmt(self, x, pos): a, b = "{:.2e}".format(x).split("e") b = int(b) return r"${} \times 10^{{{}}}$".format(a, b) def press(self, event): print("press", event.key) if event.key == "q": # close the current figure plt.close(event.canvas.figure) self.pressed_key["key"] = event.key
[docs]class Display: def __init__(self, video, step=0, color="gray", time_delay=0, median_filter_flag=False): """This class display the video. Parameters ---------- video:(NDArray) Input video. median_filter_flag: bool In case it defines as True, a median filter is applied with size 3 to remove hot pixel effect. color: str It defines the colormap for visualization. time_delay: float Delay between frames in milliseconds. step: int Stride between visualization frames. """ = video self.median_filter_flag = median_filter_flag self.jump = step self.time_delay = time_delay self.memory = 0 self.fig = plt.figure() = self.fig.add_subplot(111) self.pressed_key = {} self.div = make_axes_locatable( self.cax = self.div.append_axes("right", "5%", "5%") self.cv0 =[0, :, :] = self.cv0, origin="lower", cmap=color ) # Here make an AxesImage rather than contour self.cb = self.fig.colorbar(, cax=self.cax, format=ticker.FuncFormatter(self.fmt)) self.tx ="Frame 0") self.ani = animation.FuncAnimation( self.fig, self.animate,[0], blit=False, interval=self.time_delay, repeat=False, cache_frame_data=False, ) def animate(self, i_): self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect("key_press_event", if self.pressed_key.get("key") == "q": pl.close("all") i_ = i_ + self.memory if i_ <[0]: arr =[i_, :, :] vmax = np.max(arr) vmin = np.min(arr) if self.median_filter_flag: frame_v = median_filter(arr, 3) else: frame_v = arr, vmax) self.tx.set_text("Frame {0}".format(i_)) self.memory = i_ + self.jump else: self.ani.event_source.stop() def fmt(self, x, pos): a, b = "{:.2e}".format(x).split("e") b = int(b) return r"${} \times 10^{{{}}}$".format(a, b) def press(self, event): print("press", event.key) if event.key == "q": # close the current figure plt.close(event.canvas.figure) self.pressed_key["key"] = event.key
[docs]class DisplayPSFs_subplotLocalizationDisplay: def __init__( self, list_videos, list_df_PSFs, list_titles, numRows, numColumns, color="gray", median_filter_flag=False, imgSizex=5, imgSizey=5, time_delay=0.1, ): """This class shows several videos (with the same number of frames) at once while highlight localize PSFs. Parameters ---------- list_videos: list of NDArray List of videos list_df_PSFs: list panda data_frame List Data Frames that contains the location of PSFs for each video. numRows: int It defines number of rows in sub-display numColumns: int It defines number of columns in sub-display list_titles: list str List of titles for each sub plot median_filter_flag: bool In case it defines as True, a median filter is applied with size 3 to remove hot pixel effect. color: str It defines the colormap for visualization. imgSizex: int Image length size. imgSizey: int Image width size. time_delay: float Delay between frames in milliseconds. """ self.list_video = list_videos self.list_df_PSFs = list_df_PSFs self.median_filter_flag = median_filter_flag self.memory = 0 self.numRows = numRows self.numColumns = numColumns self.numVideos = len(list_videos) if list_titles is None: self.list_titles = [None for _ in range(self.numVideos)] else: self.list_titles = list_titles self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(imgSizex, imgSizey)) self.imgGrid_list = [] for i_ in range(1, self.numRows * self.numColumns + 1): img_grid_ = self.fig.add_subplot(self.numRows, self.numColumns, i_) img_grid_.axis("off") self.imgGrid_list.append(img_grid_) self.fig.tight_layout() self.fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.18) self.pressed_key = {} self.div_0 = [] self.cax_0 = [] self.im_0 = [] self.cb_0 = [] self.tx_0 = [] for ax_, vid_, df_PSFs, tit_ in zip( self.imgGrid_list, self.list_video, self.list_df_PSFs, self.list_titles ): div_ = make_axes_locatable(ax_) self.div_0.append(div_) cax_ = div_.append_axes("right", "5%", "5%") self.cax_0.append(cax_) im_ = ax_.imshow(vid_[0, :, :], origin="lower", cmap=color) self.im_0.append(im_) self.cb_0.append( self.fig.colorbar(im_, cax=cax_, format=ticker.FuncFormatter(self.fmt)) ) if tit_ is not None: self.tx_0.append(ax_.set_title(tit_ + ", Frame 0")) else: self.tx_0.append(ax_.set_title("Frame 0")) particle = df_PSFs.loc[df_PSFs["frame"] == 0] particle_X = particle["x"].tolist() particle_Y = particle["y"].tolist() particle_sigma = particle["sigma"].tolist() for j_ in range(len(particle_X)): y = int(particle_Y[j_]) x = int(particle_X[j_]) sigma = particle_sigma[j_] ax_.add_patch( Circle( (x, y), radius=np.sqrt(2) * sigma, edgecolor="r", facecolor="none", linewidth=2, ) ) self.ani = animation.FuncAnimation( self.fig, self.animate, frames=self.list_video[0].shape[0], blit=False, interval=time_delay, repeat=True, cache_frame_data=False, ) def animate(self, i_): self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect("key_press_event", if self.pressed_key.get("key") == "q": pl.close("all") if i_ < self.list_video[0].shape[0]: for idx_, (ax_, vid_, df_PSFs, tit_) in enumerate( zip(self.imgGrid_list, self.list_video, self.list_df_PSFs, self.list_titles) ): [p.remove() for p in reversed(ax_.patches)] arr = vid_[i_, :, :] vmax = np.max(arr) vmin = np.min(arr) if self.median_filter_flag: frame_v = median_filter(arr, 3) else: frame_v = arr self.im_0[idx_].set_data(frame_v) self.im_0[idx_].set_clim(vmin, vmax) if tit_ is not None: self.tx_0[idx_].set_text(tit_ + ", Frame {}".format(i_)) else: self.tx_0[idx_].set_text("Frame {}".format(i_)) particle = df_PSFs.loc[df_PSFs["frame"] == i_] particle_X = particle["x"].tolist() particle_Y = particle["y"].tolist() particle_sigma = particle["sigma"].tolist() for j_ in range(len(particle_X)): y = int(particle_Y[j_]) x = int(particle_X[j_]) sigma = particle_sigma[j_] ax_.add_patch( Circle( (x, y), radius=np.sqrt(2) * sigma, edgecolor="r", facecolor="none", linewidth=2, ) ) else: self.ani.event_source.stop() def fmt(self, x, pos): a, b = "{:.2e}".format(x).split("e") b = int(b) return r"${} \times 10^{{{}}}$".format(a, b) def press(self, event): print("press", event.key) if event.key == "q": # close the current figure plt.close(event.canvas.figure) self.pressed_key["key"] = event.key
[docs]class DisplayDataFramePSFsLocalization(QRunnable): def __init__(self, video, df_PSFs, time_delay=0.1, GUI_progressbar=False, *args, **kwargs): """ This class displays video while highlighting PSFs. Parameters ---------- video: NDArray Input video. df_PSFs: panda data_frame Data Frames that contains the location of PSFs. time_delay: float Delay between frames in milliseconds. GUI_progressbar: bool This actives GUI progress bar """ self.cpu = CPUConfigurations() super(DisplayDataFramePSFsLocalization, self).__init__() = video self.time_delay = time_delay self.df_PSFs = df_PSFs self.pressed_key = {} self.list_line = [] if "particle" in self.df_PSFs.keys(): self.list_particles_idx = self.df_PSFs.particle.unique() else: self.df_PSFs["particle"] = 0 self.list_particles_idx = self.df_PSFs.particle.unique() self.GUI_progressbar = GUI_progressbar self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs colors_ = cm.autumn(np.linspace(0, 1, len(self.list_particles_idx))) self.colors = colors_[0 : len(self.list_particles_idx), :] self.obj_connection = SignalConnection()
[docs] @Slot() def run(self): self.gif_genrator(*self.args, **self.kwargs) if self.GUI_progressbar is True: self.obj_connection.finished.emit()
def show_psf( self, jump=1, display_history=True, color_map="gray", save_flag=False, save_path=None ): self.norm_vid = Normalization( img = None pl.ion() fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) ax.set_aspect("equal") if len(self.norm_vid.shape) == 3 and self.norm_vid.shape[0] > 0: for frame_number in range(0, self.norm_vid.shape[0] - jump, jump): if self.GUI_progressbar: fig.canvas.mpl_connect("close_event", self.closeEvent) else: fig.canvas.mpl_connect("key_press_event", if self.pressed_key.get("key") == "q": pl.close("all") break im = self.norm_vid[frame_number, :, :] pl.pause(self.time_delay) [p.remove() for p in reversed(ax.patches)] if img is None: img = pl.imshow(im, cmap=color_map) self.draw_circles(self.df_PSFs, ax, frame_number, color=self.colors) if display_history: [ln_.remove() for ln_ in self.list_line] self.draw_trajectory(self.df_PSFs, ax, frame_number, color=self.colors) else: img.set_data(im) pl.draw() pl.title("Press Q for exit\n Frame: " + str(frame_number)) self.draw_circles(self.df_PSFs, ax, frame_number, color=self.colors) if display_history: [ln_.remove() for ln_ in self.list_line] self.draw_trajectory(self.df_PSFs, ax, frame_number, color=self.colors) if save_flag: pl.savefig(save_path + "fig" + str(frame_number) + ".png") else: im = self.norm_vid pl.pause(self.time_delay) [p.remove() for p in reversed(ax.patches)] if img is None: img = pl.imshow(im) self.draw_circles(self.df_PSFs, ax, frame_number=0, color=self.colors) if display_history: [ln_.remove() for ln_ in self.list_line] self.draw_trajectory(self.df_PSFs, ax, frame_number=0, color=self.colors) else: img.set_data(im) pl.draw() self.draw_circles(self.df_PSFs, ax, frame_number=0, color=self.colors) if display_history: [ln_.remove() for ln_ in self.list_line] self.draw_trajectory(self.df_PSFs, ax, frame_number=0, color=self.colors) def draw_circles(self, list_psf, ax, frame_number, color="red"): particle = list_psf.loc[list_psf["frame"] == frame_number] particle_X = particle["x"].tolist() particle_Y = particle["y"].tolist() particle_sigma = particle["sigma"].tolist() particle_labels = particle["particle"].tolist() for j_, p_label in zip(range(len(particle_X)), particle_labels): y = particle_Y[j_] x = particle_X[j_] sigma = particle_sigma[j_] color_idx = list(self.list_particles_idx).index(p_label) c = patches.Circle( (x, y), np.sqrt(2) * sigma, color=self.colors[color_idx], alpha=1, fill=False, linewidth=2, ) ax.add_patch(c) pl.draw() def draw_trajectory(self, list_psf, ax, frame_number, color="red"): particle = list_psf.loc[list_psf["frame"] == frame_number] particle_labels = particle["particle"].tolist() self.list_line = [] for label in particle_labels: all_particle_ = list_psf.loc[list_psf["particle"] == label] particle_f = all_particle_["frame"].tolist() particle_X = all_particle_["x"].tolist() particle_Y = all_particle_["y"].tolist() particle_sigma = all_particle_["sigma"].tolist() list_center = None for f, x, y, _ in zip(particle_f, particle_X, particle_Y, particle_sigma): if list_center is None: center_position = [[x, y]] list_center = center_position list_center_array = np.asarray(list_center) else: center_position = [x, y] list_center.append(center_position) list_center_array = np.asarray(list_center) if f <= frame_number: color_idx = list(self.list_particles_idx).index(label) (ln,) = ax.plot( list_center_array[:, 0], list_center_array[:, 1], color=self.colors[color_idx], linewidth=1, ) self.list_line.append(ln) pl.draw() def draw_trajectory_1(self, list_psf, ax, frame_number, color="red"): particle = list_psf.loc[list_psf["frame"] == frame_number] particle_labels = particle["particle"].tolist() list_line = [] for label in particle_labels: all_particle_ = list_psf.loc[list_psf["particle"] == label] particle_f = all_particle_["frame"].tolist() particle_X = all_particle_["x"].tolist() particle_Y = all_particle_["y"].tolist() particle_sigma = all_particle_["sigma"].tolist() list_center = None flag_loop = True (ln,) = ax.plot( particle_X, particle_Y, color=self.colors[label], linewidth=1, alpha=0.7 ) list_line.append(ln) pl.draw() plt.pause(self.time_delay) [ln_.remove() for ln_ in list_line] def draw_trajectory_2(self, list_psf, ax, frame_number, color="red"): particle = list_psf.loc[list_psf["frame"] == frame_number] particle_labels = particle["particle"].tolist() list_line = [] for label in particle_labels: all_particle_ = list_psf.loc[list_psf["particle"] == label] particle_f = all_particle_["frame"].tolist() particle_X = all_particle_["x"].tolist() particle_Y = all_particle_["y"].tolist() particle_sigma = all_particle_["sigma"].tolist() list_center = None flag_loop = True while flag_loop: list_line = [] for f, x, y, _ in zip(particle_f, particle_X, particle_Y, particle_sigma): if list_center is None: center_position = [[x, y]] list_center = center_position list_center_array = np.asarray(list_center) else: center_position = [x, y] list_center.append(center_position) list_center_array = np.asarray(list_center) if f <= frame_number: (ln,) = ax.plot( list_center_array[:, 0], list_center_array[:, 1], color=self.colors[label], linewidth=1, alpha=0.55, ) list_line.append(ln) pl.draw() plt.pause(self.time_delay) else: flag_loop = False pl.draw() plt.pause(self.time_delay) [ln_.remove() for ln_ in list_line] def press(self, event): print("press", event.key) if event.key == "q": plt.close(event.canvas.figure) self.pressed_key["key"] = event.key def closeEvent(self, event): plt.close(event.canvas.figure) self.pressed_key["key"] = "q" def make_gif(self, frame_number, display_history=True, color_map="gray"): matplotlib.use("Agg") img = None pl.ioff() plt.ioff() fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ax.set_aspect("equal") if len(self.norm_vid.shape) == 3 and self.norm_vid.shape[0] > 0: im = self.norm_vid[frame_number, :, :] pl.pause(self.time_delay) [p.remove() for p in reversed(ax.patches)] if img is None: img = pl.imshow(im, cmap=color_map) self.draw_circles(self.df_PSFs, ax, frame_number, color=self.colors) if display_history: [ln_.remove() for ln_ in self.list_line] self.draw_trajectory(self.df_PSFs, ax, frame_number, color=self.colors) else: img.set_data(im) pl.draw() pl.title(str(frame_number)) self.draw_circles(self.df_PSFs, ax, frame_number, color=self.colors) if display_history: [ln_.remove() for ln_ in self.list_line] self.draw_trajectory(self.df_PSFs, ax, frame_number, color=self.colors) fig.canvas.draw() # draw the canvas, cache the renderer image = np.frombuffer(fig.canvas.tostring_rgb(), dtype="uint8") image = image.reshape(fig.canvas.get_width_height()[::-1] + (3,)) pl.close(fig) return image def gif_genrator(self, save_path, jump=5, fps=1.0): self.norm_vid = Normalization( image_ = [] if self.cpu.parallel_active is True: image_ = Parallel( n_jobs=self.cpu.n_jobs, backend=self.cpu.backend, verbose=self.cpu.verbose )( delayed(self.make_gif)(frame_number) for frame_number in range(0, self.norm_vid.shape[0] - jump, jump) ) imageio.mimsave(save_path, image_, fps=fps) else: for frame_number in tqdm(range(0, self.norm_vid.shape[0] - jump, jump)): image_.append(self.make_gif(frame_number)) if self.GUI_progressbar: self.obj_connection.updateProgress_.emit(frame_number) imageio.mimsave(save_path, image_, fps=fps)
def histogram_of_each_frames( frame, bins="auto", range=None, normed=None, weights=None, density=None ): return np.histogram( frame, bins=bins, range=range, normed=normed, weights=weights, density=density ) def histogram_1D_signal(signal, bins="auto"): if bins == "auto": plt.hist(signal, bins=bins) # arguments are passed to np.histogram plt.title("Histogram with 'auto' bins") else: plt.hist(signal, bins=bins) # arguments are passed to np.histogram plt.title("Histogram with" + str(bins) + "bins")