Source code for piscat.Visualization.display_jupyter

import numpy as np
from ipywidgets import Layout, interact, widgets
from matplotlib import cm as cm
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Circle, Rectangle
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from scipy.ndimage import median_filter

from piscat.InputOutput import read_status_line
from piscat.Localization import gaussian_2D_fit
from piscat.Trajectory.data_handling import protein_trajectories_list2dic

[docs]class JupyterDisplay: def __init__( self, video, median_filter_flag=False, color="gray", title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, imgSizex=5, imgSizey=5, extent=None, IntSlider_width="500px", step=1, ): """This class displays the video in jupyter notebook. Parameters ---------- video:(NDArray) Input video. median_filter_flag: bool In case it defines as True, a median filter is applied with size 3 to remove hot pixel effect. color: str It defines the colormap for visualization. title: list A list of string titles with a length equal to the number of frames in the video. xlabel: str The label text for x-axis. ylabel: str The label text for y-axis. imgSizex: int Image length size. imgSizey: int Image width size. extent: The extent kwarg determines the bounding box in data coordinates that the image will fill, which is specified in data coordinates as (left, right, bottom, top). IntSlider_width: str Size of slider step: int Stride between visualization frames. """ self.color = color = video self.imgSizex = imgSizex self.imgSizey = imgSizey self.title = title self.extent = extent self.median_filter_flag = median_filter_flag self.xlabel = xlabel self.ylabel = ylabel interact( self.display, frame=widgets.IntSlider( min=0,[0] - 1, step=step, value=10, layout=Layout(width=IntSlider_width), readout_format="10", continuous_update=False, description="Frame:", ), ) def display(self, frame): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(self.imgSizex, self.imgSizey)) ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) if self.median_filter_flag: frame_v = median_filter([int(frame), :, :], 3) else: frame_v =[int(frame), :, :] if self.extent is not None: myplot = ax.imshow(frame_v, cmap=self.color, extent=self.extent) else: myplot = ax.imshow(frame_v, cmap=self.color) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) plt.colorbar(myplot, cax=cax) if self.xlabel is not None: ax.set_xlabel(self.xlabel) if self.ylabel is not None: ax.set_ylabel(self.ylabel) if self.title is not None: ax.set_title(self.title[int(frame)])
[docs]class JupyterDisplay_StatusLine: def __init__( self, video, median_filter_flag=False, color="gray", imgSizex=5, imgSizey=5, IntSlider_width="500px", step=1, value=0, ): """This class displays the video in the Jupyter notebook interactively while highlight status line Parameters ---------- video: NDArray Input video. median_filter_flag: bool In case it defines as True, a median filter is applied with size 3 to remove hot pixel effect. color: str It defines the colormap for visualization. imgSizex: int Image length size. imgSizey: int Image width size. IntSlider_width: str Size of slider. step: int Stride between visualization frames. value: int Initial frame value for visualization """ self.color = color = video self.imgSizex = imgSizex self.imgSizey = imgSizey self.median_filter_flag = median_filter_flag status_ = read_status_line.StatusLine(video) self.video_remove, status_information = status_.find_status_line() self.statusLine_position = status_information["status_line_position"] interact( self.display, frame=widgets.IntSlider( min=0,[0] - 1, step=step, value=value, layout=Layout(width=IntSlider_width), readout_format="10", continuous_update=False, description="Frame:", ), ) def display(self, frame): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(self.imgSizex, self.imgSizey)) ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) if self.median_filter_flag: frame_v = median_filter([int(frame), :, :], 3) frame_v_rm = median_filter(self.video_remove[int(frame), :, :], 3) else: frame_v =[int(frame), :, :] frame_v_rm = self.video_remove[int(frame), :, :] myplot_rm = ax.imshow(frame_v_rm, cmap=self.color) myplot = ax.imshow(frame_v, cmap=self.color) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) plt.colorbar(myplot_rm, cax=cax) if self.statusLine_position == "column": rect = Rectangle( (0,[2]),[2], 1, linewidth=10, edgecolor="r", facecolor="none", ) ax.add_patch(rect) elif self.statusLine_position == "row": rect = Rectangle( ([1], 0), 1,[1], linewidth=10, edgecolor="r", facecolor="none", ) ax.add_patch(rect)
[docs]class JupyterPSFs_localizationDisplay: def __init__( self, video, df_PSFs, median_filter_flag=False, color="gray", imgSizex=5, imgSizey=5, IntSlider_width="500px", step=1, value=0, ): """This class displays the video in the Jupyter notebook interactively while highlight PSFs. Parameters ---------- video: NDArray Input video. df_PSFs: panda data_frame Data Frames that contains the location of PSFs. median_filter_flag: bool In case it defines as True, a median filter is applied with size 3 to remove hot pixel effect. color: str It defines the colormap for visualization. imgSizex: int Image length size. imgSizey: int Image width size. IntSlider_width: str Size of slider. step: int Stride between visualization frames. value: int Initial frame value for visualization """ = video self.imgSizex = imgSizex self.imgSizey = imgSizey self.df_PSFs = df_PSFs self.median_filter_flag = median_filter_flag self.color = color interact( self.show_psf, frame_number=widgets.IntSlider( min=0,[0] - 1, step=step, value=value, readout_format="1", continuous_update=False, layout=Layout(width=IntSlider_width), description="Frame:", ), ) def show_psf(self, frame_number): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(self.imgSizex, self.imgSizey)) ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) if self.median_filter_flag: frame_v = median_filter([int(frame_number), :, :], 3) else: frame_v =[int(frame_number), :, :] divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) myplot = ax.imshow(frame_v, cmap=self.color) plt.colorbar(myplot, cax=cax) particle = self.df_PSFs.loc[self.df_PSFs["frame"] == frame_number] particle_X = particle["x"].tolist() particle_Y = particle["y"].tolist() particle_sigma = particle["sigma"].tolist() for j_ in range(len(particle_X)): y = int(particle_Y[j_]) x = int(particle_X[j_]) sigma = particle_sigma[j_] ax.add_patch( Circle( (x, y), radius=np.sqrt(2) * sigma, edgecolor="r", facecolor="none", linewidth=2, ) )
[docs]class JupyterPSFs_localizationPreviewDisplay: def __init__( self, video, df_PSFs, title="", frame_num=None, median_filter_flag=False, color="gray", imgSizex=5, imgSizey=5, IntSlider_width="500px", step=1, ): """This class displays the video in the Jupyter notebook interactively while highlight PSFs. Parameters ---------- video: NDArray Input video. df_PSFs: panda data_frame Data Frames that contains the location of PSFs. title: str It defines title of plot. frame_num: list list of frame that we want to see preview of localization. median_filter_flag: bool In case it defines as True, a median filter is applied with size 3 to remove hot pixel effect. color: str It defines the colormap for visualization. imgSizex: int Image length size. imgSizey: int Image width size. IntSlider_width: str Size of slider. step: int Stride between visualization frames. """ = video self.imgSizex = imgSizex self.imgSizey = imgSizey self.df_PSFs = df_PSFs self.median_filter_flag = median_filter_flag self.color = color if self.df_PSFs is not None: self.frame_num = np.sort(np.unique(df_PSFs["frame"].tolist())) else: self.frame_num = frame_num self.currentFrame = 0 self.IntSlider_width = IntSlider_width self.step = step self.title = title def display_run(self): interact( self.show_psf, index=widgets.IntSlider( min=0, max=len(self.frame_num) - 1, step=self.step, value=self.currentFrame, readout_format="1", continuous_update=False, layout=Layout(width=self.IntSlider_width), description="index:", ), ) def show_psf(self, index): frame_number = self.frame_num[index] self.currentFrame = frame_number fig = plt.figure(figsize=(self.imgSizex, self.imgSizey)) ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) if self.median_filter_flag: frame_v = median_filter([int(frame_number), :, :], 3) else: frame_v =[int(frame_number), :, :] divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) myplot = ax.imshow(frame_v, cmap=self.color) ax.set_title(self.title) plt.colorbar(myplot, cax=cax) if self.df_PSFs is not None: particle = self.df_PSFs.loc[self.df_PSFs["frame"] == frame_number] particle_X = particle["x"].tolist() particle_Y = particle["y"].tolist() particle_sigma = particle["sigma"].tolist() for j_ in range(len(particle_X)): y = int(particle_Y[j_]) x = int(particle_X[j_]) sigma = particle_sigma[j_] ax.add_patch( Circle( (x, y), radius=np.sqrt(2) * sigma, edgecolor="r", facecolor="none", linewidth=2, ) ) def set_df(self, new_df): self.df_PSFs = new_df
[docs]class JupyterPSFs_subplotLocalizationDisplay: def __init__( self, list_videos, list_df_PSFs, numRows, numColumns, list_titles=None, median_filter_flag=False, color="gray", imgSizex=5, imgSizey=5, IntSlider_width="500px", step=1, value=0, ): """This class shows several videos (with the same number of frames) at once in the Jupyter notebook interactively while highlight localize PSFs. Parameters ---------- list_videos: list of NDArray List of videos. list_df_PSFs: list panda data_frame List Data Frames that contains the location of PSFs for each video. numRows: int It defines number of rows in sub-display. numColumns: int It defines number of columns in sub-display. list_titles: list str List of titles for each sub plot. median_filter_flag: bool In case it defines as True, a median filter is applied with size 3 to remove hot pixel effect. color: str It defines the colormap for visualization. imgSizex: int Image length size. imgSizey: int Image width size. IntSlider_width: str Size of slider step: int Stride between visualization frames. value: int Initial frame value for visualization """ self.list_video = list_videos self.numVideos = len(list_videos) self.imgSizex = imgSizex self.imgSizey = imgSizey self.list_df_PSFs = list_df_PSFs self.median_filter_flag = median_filter_flag self.color = color self.numRows = numRows self.numColumns = numColumns if list_titles is None: self.list_titles = [None for _ in range(self.numVideos)] else: self.list_titles = list_titles max_numberFrames = np.max([vid_.shape[0] for vid_ in list_videos]) interact( self.show_psf, frame_number=widgets.IntSlider( min=0, max=max_numberFrames, step=step, value=value, readout_format="1", continuous_update=False, layout=Layout(width=IntSlider_width), description="Frame:", ), ) def show_psf(self, frame_number): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(self.imgSizex, self.imgSizey)) grid = plt.GridSpec(self.numRows, self.numColumns, hspace=0.3, wspace=0.3) imgGrid_list = [] for i in range(self.numRows): for j in range(self.numColumns): imgGrid_list.append(fig.add_subplot(grid[i, j])) for img_, tit_, img_grid_, df_PSFs in zip( self.list_video, self.list_titles, imgGrid_list, self.list_df_PSFs ): if self.median_filter_flag: frame_v = median_filter(img_[int(frame_number), :, :], 3) else: frame_v = img_[int(frame_number), :, :] divider = make_axes_locatable(img_grid_) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) myplot = img_grid_.imshow(frame_v, cmap=self.color) img_grid_.axis("off") plt.colorbar(myplot, cax=cax) if tit_ is not None: img_grid_.set_title(tit_) particle = df_PSFs.loc[df_PSFs["frame"] == frame_number] particle_X = particle["x"].tolist() particle_Y = particle["y"].tolist() particle_sigma = particle["sigma"].tolist() for j_ in range(len(particle_X)): y = int(particle_Y[j_]) x = int(particle_X[j_]) sigma = particle_sigma[j_] img_grid_.add_patch( Circle( (x, y), radius=np.sqrt(2) * sigma, edgecolor="r", facecolor="none", linewidth=2, ) )
[docs]class JupyterPSFs_TrackingDisplay: def __init__( self, video, df_PSFs, median_filter_flag=False, step=1, color="gray", imgSizex=5, imgSizey=5, value=0, ): """This class displays video in the Jupyter notebook interactively while highlighting PSFs with trajectories. Parameters ---------- video: NDArray Input video. df_PSFs: panda data_frame Data Frames that contains the location of PSFs. median_filter_flag: bool In case it defines as True, a median filter is applied with size 3 to remove hot pixel effect. color: str It defines the colormap for visualization. imgSizex: int Image length size. imgSizey: int Image width size. IntSlider_width: str Size of slider. step: int Stride between visualization frames. value: int Initial frame value for visualization """ = video self.df_PSFs = df_PSFs self.imgSizex = imgSizex self.imgSizey = imgSizey self.df_PSFs = df_PSFs self.median_filter_flag = median_filter_flag self.color = color self.median_filter_flag = median_filter_flag if self.df_PSFs.particle.isnull().any(): self.df_PSFs["particle"] = 0 self.list_particles_idx = self.df_PSFs.particle.unique() else: self.list_particles_idx = self.df_PSFs.particle.unique() colors_ = cm.autumn(np.linspace(0, 1, len(self.list_particles_idx))) self.colors = colors_[0 : len(self.list_particles_idx), :] interact( self.show_psf, frame_number=widgets.IntSlider( min=0,[0] - 1, step=step, value=value, readout_format="1", continuous_update=False, description="Frame:", ), ) def show_psf(self, frame_number): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(self.imgSizex, self.imgSizey)) ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) if self.median_filter_flag: frame_v = median_filter([int(frame_number), :, :], 3) else: frame_v =[int(frame_number), :, :] divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) myplot = ax.imshow(frame_v, cmap=self.color) plt.colorbar(myplot, cax=cax) particle = self.df_PSFs.loc[self.df_PSFs["frame"] == frame_number] particle_X = particle["x"].tolist() particle_Y = particle["y"].tolist() particle_sigma = particle["sigma"].tolist() particle_labels = particle["particle"].tolist() if len(particle_labels) != 0: for j_, p_l in zip(range(len(particle_X)), particle_labels): y = int(particle_Y[j_]) x = int(particle_X[j_]) sigma = particle_sigma[j_] ax = plt.gca() ax.add_patch( Circle( (x, y), radius=np.sqrt(2) * sigma, edgecolor=self.colors[int(p_l)], facecolor="none", linewidth=2, ) ) all_particle_ = self.df_PSFs.loc[self.df_PSFs["particle"] == p_l] particle_f_ = all_particle_["frame"].tolist() particle_X_ = all_particle_["x"].tolist() particle_Y_ = all_particle_["y"].tolist() particle_sigma_ = all_particle_["sigma"].tolist() for f_, x_, y_, _ in zip(particle_f_, particle_X_, particle_Y_, particle_sigma_): if f_ <= frame_number: ax.add_patch( Circle( (int(x_), int(y_)), radius=0.1, edgecolor=self.colors[int(p_l)], facecolor="none", linewidth=1, ) ) # ax.add_collection((x_, y_), autolim=True, cmap=self.colors [p_l])
[docs]class JupyterSelectedPSFs_localizationDisplay: def __init__( self, video, particles, particles_num="#0", frame_extend=0, median_filter_flag=False, flag_fit2D=False, color="gray", imgSizex=10, imgSizey=10, IntSlider_width="500px", step=1, value=0, ): """This class interactively shows video in a Jupyter notebook while highlighting PSFs based on ID. Parameters ---------- video: NDArray Input video. particles: dic Dictionary similar to the following structures.: | {"#0": {'intensity_horizontal': ..., 'intensity_vertical': ..., ..., 'particle_ID': ...}, "#1": {}, ...} particles_num: str Choose the corresponding key in the particles dictionary. frame_extend: int Display particle for ``frame_extend`` before and after segmented ones. In case there are not enough frames before/after, it shows only for the number of existing frames. flag_fit2D: bool It activate 2D-Gaussian fit to extract fitting information of selected PSF. median_filter_flag: bool In case it defines as True, a median filter is applied with size 3 to remove hot pixel effect. color: str It defines the colormap for visualization. imgSizex: int Image length size. imgSizey: int Image width size. IntSlider_width: str Size of slider. step: int Stride between visualization frames. value: int Initial frame value for visualization """ if type(particles) is list: particles = protein_trajectories_list2dic(particles) if type(particles) is dict: for key, item in particles.items(): if key == particles_num: intensity_horizontal = item["intensity_horizontal"] intensity_vertical = item["intensity_vertical"] center_int = item["center_int"] center_int_flow = item["center_int_flow"] self.frame_number_ = item["frame_number"] self.sigma = item["sigma"] self.x_center = item["x_center"] self.y_center = item["y_center"] self.particle_ID = item["particle_ID"] self.imgSizex = imgSizex self.imgSizey = imgSizey = video self.color = color self.flag_fit2D = flag_fit2D self.median_filter_flag = median_filter_flag video_frameNum = video.shape[0] max_particle_frame = np.max(self.frame_number_) min_particle_frame = np.min(self.frame_number_) max_extend_particle_frame = np.min([max_particle_frame + frame_extend, video_frameNum]) min_extend_particle_frame = np.max([min_particle_frame - frame_extend, 0]) self.frame_number = list(range(min_extend_particle_frame, max_extend_particle_frame, 1)) interact( self.show_psf, f_num=widgets.IntSlider( min=self.frame_number[0], max=self.frame_number[-1] - 1, step=step, value=value, readout_format="1", continuous_update=False, layout=Layout(width=IntSlider_width), description="Frame:", ), ) def show_psf(self, f_num): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(self.imgSizex, self.imgSizey)) ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) if self.flag_fit2D: fit_params = self.fit_2D_gussian(frame_num=f_num, scale=5) if self.median_filter_flag: frame_v = median_filter([int(f_num), :, :], 3) else: frame_v =[int(f_num), :, :] myplot = ax.imshow(frame_v, cmap=self.color) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) plt.colorbar(myplot, cax=cax) if f_num <= np.max(self.frame_number_) and f_num >= np.min(self.frame_number_): idx_ = np.where(self.frame_number_ == f_num) particle_X = self.x_center[idx_] particle_Y = self.y_center[idx_] particle_sigma = self.sigma[idx_] particle_labels = self.particle_ID[idx_] y = int(particle_Y) x = int(particle_X) sigma = particle_sigma ax.add_patch( Circle( (x, y), radius=np.sqrt(2) * sigma, edgecolor="r", facecolor="none", linewidth=2, ) ) def fit_2D_gussian(self, frame_num, scale=5): particle = self.list_psf.loc[self.list_psf["frame"] == frame_num] particle_X = particle["x"].tolist() particle_Y = particle["y"].tolist() particle_sigma = particle["sigma"].tolist() particle_center_intensity = particle["center_intensity"].tolist() index_list = [index for index in particle.index] list_one_frame_fit = [] if particle.shape[0] > 0: for p_x, p_y, sigma_0, _, i_ in zip( particle_X, particle_Y, particle_sigma, particle_center_intensity, index_list ): window_size = scale * np.sqrt(2) * sigma_0 start_sigma = sigma_0 if p_x > window_size and p_y > window_size: window_frame =[ int(frame_num), int(p_y - window_size) + 1 : int(p_y + window_size), int(p_x - window_size) + 1 : int(p_x + window_size), ] w_s = window_size else: window_size_temp = window_size while p_x < window_size_temp or p_y < window_size_temp: window_size_temp = window_size_temp - 2 window_frame =[ int(frame_num), int(p_y - window_size_temp) + 1 : int(p_y + window_size_temp), int(p_x - window_size_temp) + 1 : int(p_x + window_size_temp), ] w_s = window_size_temp fit_params_ = gaussian_2D_fit.fit_2D_Gaussian_varAmp( window_frame, sigma_x=start_sigma, sigma_y=start_sigma, display_flag=False ) fit_params = fit_params_[1] fit_errors = fit_params_[2] print("Fit Amplitude:", fit_params[0], "\u00b1", fit_errors[0]) print("Fit X-Center: ", fit_params[1], "\u00b1", fit_errors[1]) print("Fit Y-Center: ", fit_params[2], "\u00b1", fit_errors[2]) print("Fit X-Sigma: ", fit_params[3], "\u00b1", fit_errors[3]) print("Fit Y-Sigma: ", fit_params[4], "\u00b1", fit_errors[4]) print("Fit Bias: ", fit_params[5], "\u00b1", fit_errors[5]) fit_params = [frame_num, i_, fit_params_, p_x, p_y, w_s] return fit_params
class JupyterSubplotDisplay: def __init__( self, list_videos, numRows, numColumns, list_titles=None, imgSizex=20, imgSizey=20, IntSlider_width="500px", median_filter_flag=False, color="gray", step=1, value=0, vmin=None, vmax=None, ): """This class interactively displays several videos (with the same number of frames) in a Jupyter notebook. Parameters ---------- list_videos: list of NDArray List of videos numRows: int It defines number of rows in sub-display numColumns: int It defines number of columns in sub-display list_titles: list str List of titles for each sub plot median_filter_flag: bool In case it defines as True, a median filter is applied with size 3 to remove hot pixel effect. color: str It defines the colormap for visualization. imgSizex: int Image length size. imgSizey: int Image width size. IntSlider_width: str Size of slider step: int Stride between visualization frames. value: int Initial frame value for visualization """ self.color = color self.vmin = vmin self.vmax = vmax = list_videos self.median_filter_flag = median_filter_flag self.numRows = numRows self.numColumns = numColumns self.numVideos = len(list_videos) self.imgSizex = imgSizex self.imgSizey = imgSizey if list_titles is None: self.list_titles = [None for _ in range(self.numVideos)] else: self.list_titles = list_titles max_numberFrames = np.max([vid_.shape[0] for vid_ in list_videos]) interact( self.display, frame=widgets.IntSlider( min=0, max=max_numberFrames - 1, step=step, value=value, layout=Layout(width=IntSlider_width), readout_format="100", continuous_update=False, description="Frame:", ), ) def display(self, frame): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(self.imgSizex, self.imgSizey)) grid = plt.GridSpec(self.numRows, self.numColumns, hspace=0.3, wspace=0.3) imgGrid_list = [] for i in range(self.numRows): for j in range(self.numColumns): imgGrid_list.append(fig.add_subplot(grid[i, j])) for img_, tit_, img_grid_ in zip(, self.list_titles, imgGrid_list): if self.median_filter_flag: frame_v = median_filter(img_[int(frame), :, :], 3) else: frame_v = img_[int(frame), :, :] # img_grid_.imshow(frame_v, cmap=self.color) # img_grid_.axis('off') divider = make_axes_locatable(img_grid_) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) if self.vmin is None or self.vmax is None: myplot = img_grid_.imshow(frame_v, cmap=self.color) else: myplot = img_grid_.imshow( frame_v, cmap=self.color, vmin=self.vmin, vmax=self.vmax ) img_grid_.axis("off") plt.colorbar(myplot, cax=cax) if tit_ is not None: img_grid_.set_title(tit_)
[docs]class JupyterPSFs_2_modality_subplotLocalizationDisplay: def __init__( self, list_videos, list_df_PSFs_1, list_df_PSFs_2, numRows, numColumns, list_titles=None, median_filter_flag=False, color="gray", imgSizex=5, imgSizey=5, IntSlider_width="500px", step=1, value=0, edgecolor_1="r", edgecolor_2="g", ): """This class will interactively sub-display multiple videos in a Jupyter notebook while highlighting PSFs determined in two modalities. Parameters ---------- list_videos: list of NDArray List of videos. list_df_PSFs_1: list list of all data Frames that contains the location of PSFs in first modality. list_df_PSFs_2: list list of all data Frames that contains the location of PSFs in second modality. numRows: int It defines number of rows in sub-display. numColumns: int It defines number of columns in sub-display. list_titles: list str List of titles for each sub plot. median_filter_flag: bool In case it defines as True, a median filter is applied with size 3 to remove hot pixel effect. color: str It defines the colormap for visualization. imgSizex: int Image length size. imgSizey: int Image width size. IntSlider_width: str Size of slider step: int Stride between visualization frames. value: int Initial frame value for visualization edgecolor_1: str The color of the circle that annotates the first modality on the display. edgecolor_2: str The color of the circle that annotates the second modality on the display. """ self.list_video = list_videos self.numVideos = len(list_videos) self.imgSizex = imgSizex self.imgSizey = imgSizey self.list_df_PSFs_1 = list_df_PSFs_1 self.list_df_PSFs_2 = list_df_PSFs_2 self.edgecolor_1 = edgecolor_1 self.edgecolor_2 = edgecolor_2 self.median_filter_flag = median_filter_flag self.color = color self.numRows = numRows self.numColumns = numColumns if list_titles is None: self.list_titles = [None for _ in range(self.numVideos)] else: self.list_titles = list_titles max_numberFrames = np.max([vid_.shape[0] for vid_ in list_videos]) interact( self.show_psf, frame_number=widgets.IntSlider( min=0, max=max_numberFrames - 1, step=step, value=value, readout_format="1", continuous_update=False, layout=Layout(width=IntSlider_width), description="Frame:", ), ) def show_psf(self, frame_number): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(self.imgSizex, self.imgSizey)) grid = plt.GridSpec(self.numRows, self.numColumns, hspace=0.3, wspace=0.3) imgGrid_list = [] for i in range(self.numRows): for j in range(self.numColumns): imgGrid_list.append(fig.add_subplot(grid[i, j])) for img_, tit_, img_grid_, df_PSFs_1, df_PSFs_2 in zip( self.list_video, self.list_titles, imgGrid_list, self.list_df_PSFs_1, self.list_df_PSFs_2, ): if self.median_filter_flag: frame_v = median_filter(img_[int(frame_number), :, :], 3) else: frame_v = img_[int(frame_number), :, :] divider = make_axes_locatable(img_grid_) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) myplot = img_grid_.imshow(frame_v, cmap=self.color) img_grid_.axis("off") plt.colorbar(myplot, cax=cax) if tit_ is not None: img_grid_.set_title(tit_) particle_1 = df_PSFs_1.loc[df_PSFs_1["frame"] == frame_number] particle_X_1 = particle_1["x"].tolist() particle_Y_1 = particle_1["y"].tolist() particle_sigma_1 = particle_1["sigma"].tolist() particle_2 = df_PSFs_2.loc[df_PSFs_2["frame"] == frame_number] particle_X_2 = particle_2["x"].tolist() particle_Y_2 = particle_2["y"].tolist() particle_sigma_2 = particle_2["sigma"].tolist() for j_ in range(len(particle_X_1)): y = int(particle_Y_1[j_]) x = int(particle_X_1[j_]) sigma = particle_sigma_1[j_] img_grid_.add_patch( Circle( (x, y), radius=np.sqrt(2) * sigma, edgecolor=self.edgecolor_1, facecolor="none", linewidth=2, ) ) for j_ in range(len(particle_X_2)): y = int(particle_Y_2[j_]) x = int(particle_X_2[j_]) sigma = particle_sigma_2[j_] img_grid_.add_patch( Circle( (x, y), radius=np.sqrt(2) * sigma, edgecolor=self.edgecolor_2, facecolor="none", linewidth=2, ) )
[docs]class JupyterFPNcDisplay: def __init__( self, list_videos, list_titles=None, correction_axis=0, numRows=1, numColumns=2, imgSizex=20, imgSizey=20, IntSlider_width="500px", median_filter_flag=False, color="gray", step=1, value=0, ): """This class can sub-display several FPNc video in the Jupyter notebook interactively while 1D projection on the direction of correction axis illustrates below on each subplot. Parameters ---------- list_videos: list of NDArray List of videos correction_axis: (0/1) selecting the axis that FPNc correction should visualize for it. numRows: int It defines number of rows in sub-display. numColumns: int It defines number of columns in sub-display. list_titles: list str List of titles for each sub plot. median_filter_flag: bool In case it defines as True, a median filter is applied with size 3 to remove hot pixel effect. color: str It defines the colormap for visualization. imgSizex: int Image length size. imgSizey: int Image width size. IntSlider_width: str Size of slider step: int Stride between visualization frames. value: int Initial frame value for visualization """ self.color = color = list_videos self.median_filter_flag = median_filter_flag self.numRows = numRows self.numColumns = numColumns self.numVideos = len(list_videos) self.imgSizex = imgSizex self.imgSizey = imgSizey self.correction_axis = correction_axis if list_titles is None: self.list_titles = [None for _ in range(self.numVideos)] else: self.list_titles = list_titles max_numberFrames = np.max([vid_.shape[0] for vid_ in list_videos]) interact( self.display, frame=widgets.IntSlider( min=0, max=max_numberFrames, step=step, value=value, layout=Layout(width=IntSlider_width), readout_format="100", continuous_update=False, description="Frame:", ), ) def display(self, frame): self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(self.imgSizex, self.imgSizey)) grid = self.fig.add_gridspec( nrows=self.numRows, ncols=self.numColumns, left=0.05, right=0.48, wspace=0.05 ) axs = grid.subplots(sharex="col", sharey="row") for img_, tit_, img_grid_ in zip(, self.list_titles, axs): if self.median_filter_flag: frame_v = median_filter(img_[int(frame), :, :], 3) else: frame_v = img_[int(frame), :, :] if self.correction_axis == 0: img_grid_.imshow(frame_v, cmap=self.color) elif self.correction_axis == 1: img_grid_.imshow(np.transpose(frame_v), cmap=self.color) if tit_ is not None: img_grid_.set_title(tit_) for ax in axs.flat: ax.label_outer() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(self.imgSizex, self.imgSizey / 10)) grid = fig.add_gridspec( nrows=self.numRows, ncols=self.numColumns, left=0.05, right=0.48, wspace=0.05 ) axs = grid.subplots(sharex="col", sharey="row") for img_, img_grid_ in zip(, axs): frame_v = img_[int(frame), :, :] gainMap1D_median = np.mean(frame_v, axis=self.correction_axis) x_grid = list(range(0, frame_v.shape[1])) y_grid = list(range(0, frame_v.shape[0])) x, y = np.meshgrid(x_grid, y_grid) if self.correction_axis == 0: img_grid_.plot( np.ravel(x), np.ravel(frame_v, order="A"), "b.", linewidth=1, markersize=0.5 ) elif self.correction_axis == 1: img_grid_.plot( np.ravel(x), np.ravel(frame_v, order="F"), "b.", linewidth=1, markersize=0.5 ) img_grid_.plot(gainMap1D_median, "r-", linewidth=1, markersize=0.5) min_y = frame_v.mean() - 4 * frame_v.std() max_y = frame_v.mean() + 4 * frame_v.std() img_grid_.set_ylim(min_y, max_y) img_grid_.ticklabel_format(style="sci", axis="y", scilimits=(0, 0)) # Hide x labels and tick labels for all but bottom plot. for ax in axs.flat: ax.label_outer()