Source code for piscat.Visualization.plot

from __future__ import print_function

import os

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

[docs]def plot3(X, Y, Z, scale="(um)", title=""): """ 3D localization plotting Parameters ---------- X: list X-position of PSFs. Y: list Y-position of PSFs. Z: list Z-position of PSFs. scale: str Measurement scale. e.g ('nm') title: str The title of the figure. """ fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d") ax.scatter(X, Y, Z) ax.set_xlabel("X" + scale) ax.set_ylabel("Y" + scale) ax.set_zlabel("Z" + scale) plt.title(title)
[docs]def plot2df(df_PSFs, pixel_size=1, scale="(um)", title="", flag_label=False): """ 2D localization plotting with color code for each particle. Parameters ---------- df_PSFs: panda data frame Data frame contains PSFs localization and ID. pixel_size: The camera's pixel size is used to scale the results of the localization. scale: str Measurement scale. e.g ('nm') title: str The title of the figure. flag_label: bool """ groups = df_PSFs.groupby("particle") fig, ax = plt.subplots() for name, group in groups: ax.plot( group.x * pixel_size, group.y * pixel_size, marker=".", linestyle="", ms=3, label=name ) if flag_label: ax.legend() ax.set_xlabel(scale) ax.set_ylabel(scale) plt.title(title)
def plot_bright_dark_psf(df_bright, df_dark, unit="nm"): """ Plot heatmap of particle localization. Parameters ---------- df_bright: pandas dataframe Bright PSF positions are stored in the data frame. df_dark: pandas dataframe Dark PSF positions are stored in the data frame. unit: str The axis unit. """ particle_ID_bright = df_bright["particle"].tolist() particle_x_bright = df_bright["x"].tolist() particle_y_bright = df_bright["y"].tolist() particle_size_bright = df_bright["bubble_size"].tolist() particle_ID_dark = df_dark["particle"].tolist() particle_x_dark = df_dark["x"].tolist() particle_y_dark = df_dark["y"].tolist() particle_size_dark = df_dark["bubble_size"].tolist() particle_ID_bright_ = [str(l_b) for l_b in particle_ID_bright] particle_ID_dark_ = [str(l_b) for l_b in particle_ID_dark] particle_ID_all = particle_ID_bright_ + particle_ID_dark_ particle_x_all = particle_x_bright + particle_x_dark particle_y_all = particle_y_bright + particle_y_dark particle_size_all = particle_size_bright + particle_size_dark fig = plt.figure() ax1 = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) (line1,) = plt.plot(particle_x_bright, particle_y_bright, "r.", markersize=15) ax2 = ax1.twinx() (line2,) = ax2.plot(particle_x_dark, particle_y_dark, "b.", markersize=15) ax2.tick_params(axis="y", labelcolor="black") ax1.set_xlabel("X-Position(" + unit + ")") ax1.set_ylabel("Y-Position(" + unit + ")") ax2.set_ylabel("Y-Position(" + unit + ")") annots = [] for ax in [ax1, ax2]: annot = ax.annotate( "", xy=(0, 0), xytext=(-20, 20), textcoords="offset points", bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", fc="w", alpha=0.4), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->"), ) annot.set_visible(True) annots.append(annot) annot_dic = dict(zip([ax1, ax2], annots)) line_dic = dict(zip([ax1, ax2], [line1, line2])) def update_annot(line, annot, ind): x, y = line.get_data() annot.xy = (x[ind["ind"][0]], y[ind["ind"][0]]) text = "ID= {}".format(particle_ID_all[ind["ind"][0]]) annot.set_text(text) def hover(event): if event.inaxes in [ax1, ax2]: for ax in [ax1, ax2]: cont, ind = line_dic[ax].contains(event) annot = annot_dic[ax] if cont: update_annot(line_dic[ax], annot, ind) annot.set_visible(True) fig.canvas.draw_idle() else: if annot.get_visible(): annot.set_visible(False) fig.canvas.draw_idle() fig.canvas.mpl_connect("motion_notify_event", hover) ax1.set_box_aspect(1) ax2.set_box_aspect(1) def plot_bright_dark_psf_inTime(df_bright, df_dark, time_delay=0.1, dir_name=None): """Showing binding and unbinding events in time. Parameters ---------- df_bright: pandas dataframe Bright PSF positions are stored in the data frame. df_dark: pandas dataframe Dark PSF positions are stored in the data frame. time_delay: float Define the time delay between binding and unbinding events frames. This only works when `flag_in_time` is set to True. dir_name: str You can save time slap frames if you specify a save path. """ particle_ID_bright = df_bright["particle"].tolist() particle_x_bright = df_bright["x"].tolist() particle_y_bright = df_bright["y"].tolist() particle_size_bright = df_bright["bubble_size"].tolist() particle_ID_dark = df_dark["particle"].tolist() particle_x_dark = df_dark["x"].tolist() particle_y_dark = df_dark["y"].tolist() particle_size_dark = df_dark["bubble_size"].tolist() if len(particle_ID_bright) > len(particle_ID_dark): diff_len = len(particle_ID_bright) - len(particle_ID_dark) for _ in range(diff_len): particle_ID_dark.append(None) particle_x_dark.append(None) particle_y_dark.append(None) particle_size_dark.append(None) elif len(particle_ID_bright) < len(particle_ID_dark): diff_len = len(particle_ID_dark) - len(particle_ID_bright) for _ in range(diff_len): particle_ID_bright.append(None) particle_x_bright.append(None) particle_y_bright.append(None) particle_size_bright.append(None) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 5)) for i_ in range(len(particle_size_bright)): ax.scatter( particle_x_bright[i_], particle_y_bright[i_], label="1", color="blue", s=100, alpha=0.5, marker="o", ) ax.scatter( particle_x_dark[i_], particle_y_dark[i_], label="2", color="red", s=100, alpha=0.5, marker="o", ) ax.set_xlim(-0.1, 5.1) ax.set_ylim(-0.1, 5.1) if dir_name is not None: s_path = os.path.join(dir_name, "bright_dark_psfs_frame" + str(i_) + ".png") plt.savefig(s_path) else: plt.pause(time_delay)
[docs]def plot_histogram(data, title, fc="C1", ec="k"): plt.figure() plt.hist(data, alpha=0.7, bins=None, density=False, stacked=True, fc=fc, ec=ec) plt.title(title + "\nMedian: " + str(np.median(data))) plt.ylabel("#Counts", fontsize=18) plt.xlabel("Length of linking", fontsize=18) plt.tight_layout()